Had love rejected, evil witch Angelique Bouchard cursed Barnabas Collins to be a vampire and trapped him inside a box for 200 years. After released, Barnabas searched for the remaining family members of his and reunited with the brand new Angelique. He also met a girl named Victoria Winters, whose figure was way too similar to his lover back then named Josette. To be able to win Barnabas' heart, Angie will cast all the spells and curses she has and do anything she desires, including destroys the Collins.
What did I feel right after? Entertained. Jujur plotnya, bagi gue, agak berantakan tapi kayaknya justru disitu seninya. Tim Burton gituloh. Pokoknya banyak kejutan dan kekocakan sepanjang film deh. Plus, I guess I've told you before, movies that consist lots of characters and family members could really win me. Dan satu lagi yang bikin gue sampe ngepost film ini di blog adalah karena main actornya itu Johnny Depp dan salah satu actressnya itu ada si Helena Bonham Carter. For me, those two are the god and goddess of casting art. Johnny Depp tau sendiri kan, segala macem jenis peran udah pernah dia lakuin. Nah Helena Bonham Carter ini menurut gue, adalah versi cewek si Depp. Sayangnya, peran doi disini cuma minor jadi gak muncul banyak. Padahal mantep tuh kalo dua duanya jadi jagoan. But still, I love the whole story.
"This was where a vampire made love to a witch
This was where the hero slept with the villain.
This was un-guess-able"
image source: here
belum nonton sih filmnya and not interested :p
ReplyDeleteagak bosen sama pilihan peran si Johnny Depp setelah Pirates of The Carribean, tipikal banget, apalagi sama Tim Burton :|
yea well, agak iya sih bahkan cara jalan Barnabas agak mirip sama Jack Sparrow gimanaa gitu. dan yaa gue udah bilang juga kan, plotnya agak berantakan (well for me)
Deletetapi karena satu dan lain hal gue jadi suka sama film ini. termasuk karena ada Chloë Grace Moretz nya hihi :">
akhirnya nonton juga ini film hahaha
ReplyDeletewell, it's good on the first 45 mins, and the rest is kinda boring X))
what I love about this movie is the 70's style and soundtrack. oh how I love when Chloe Moretz dance to T-Rex's!!! <3
hahaha akhirnya yah. hmm justru gue malah ga terlalu suka 70's style gitu haha. pokoknya yang bikin gue stick nonton ini sampe abis cuma karena jumlah karakternya yang banyak aja hehe