Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its police force which is struggling to cope with Bane's plans to destroy the city.
What did I feel right after? Kusut parah!! So here's the deal. Gue nonton di PI sepulang kerja, sepulang buka puasa bersama Mpi Dindut Iedo Nisa Bulet Bajay Nikon. Karena gamau ngebebanin bokap, akhirnya ayahanda gue suruh pulang duluan aja dan helm gue pegang sendiri. Jam 8 malem, gue masuk studio. Sepuluh menit setelah menikmati empuknya bangku bioskop, dengan excitement luar biasa karena menurut semua orang yang udah nonton bilang kalo film ini epic parah, tiba-tiba dengan indahnya
bokap nyuruh gue supaya sampe rumah sebelum jam 10 karena satu dan lain hal. Gue udah terlalu capek buat ngelawan, terlalu kecewa buat ngebantah. Yaudah, setelah Bruce Wayne ciuman sama Selina Kyle, gue nyelinep keluar seperti angin lalu.
Rough, eh?
So well, now you do know why I wrote that title.
Tonight's just darker than dark
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