Mei 2013, adalah bulan tergak banget sepanjang perjalanan pendidikan gue.
Tugas bertaburan, kelompok beragam jenisnya, deadline dimana-mana.
Tiap hari mulut ngeluh mulu minta cepet-cepet diabisin itu bulan.
Juni dateng, hectic seketika.
Ya, minggu pertama langsung UAS.
Tujuh mata kuliah, satu sit-in, ENAM take home.
LIMA diantaranya dijadiin tugas kelompok dan
EMPAT diantaranya, well... Nerve wrecking.
But somehow, God's on my side. He knows that for the whole semester, I've been busied by enormous number of assignments, back-to-back, big-time-killing deadlines, as well as the presence of some dickhead useless people.
God's on my side.
So for this final exam,
He made it smooth for me...
... Like for the researches
Jadi di semester ini ada dua mata kuliah penelitian. Satu Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, satu lagi Riset Periklanan. Dua duanya, hemmmmmmmmmmmmmm gabisa diungkapin dengan kata kata. Sumpah, time consuming, mind screwing, pokoknya $#%@ banget!
Selasa di minggu pertama, itu deadline buat MPK. Gue dan temen sekelompok gue udah mati-matian ngejer hal-hal yang belum keisi dan swhooshh, ketika deadline menyapa, langsung ajalah dikumpulin. Setelah itu hanya berserah diri pada Allah saja yang kita lakukan dan taraaa, dapetlah nilai B+ :') Bahagia?? BANGET!
Sementara Riset Periklanan, well, entah kenapa gue dan kelompok gue salah milih brand buat diriset. Alhasil satu semester ini ngejalanin semuanya dengan berat hati. Tapi gimanapun juga, apapun harus dihadapi. Jadilah kemarin kita melakukan presentasi dengan hasil seadanya, tapi performa semaksimalnya. Kinda smooth, and the lecturer enjoyed. But I'm not brave enough to talk about scores now. Only God and her that knows.
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TELADAN group, from left to right are Cika, me, Pus, Fierda and Kinta We do the research about IM3 anyway, that could explain the dresscode. |
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With the lecturer, Mbak Nadia |
... Also for the baby task
Talk about a successful assignment my group and I made, I have one. Di mata kuliah Hard Sell, dosennya minta kelompok gue bikin sebuah aktivitas promo buat sebuah online baby shop bernama Pernah denger? Nggak kan pasti? Nah apalagi gue. Dan temen sekelompok gue, yang semuanya cowok.
But when it came to the presentation day...
"As I expected, when a group is 'crashed' with something they're not relevant to, eventually they'll come up with something brilliant. And I'd say that I might consider using these promos you proposed."
Itu yang dibilang dosen gue seselesainya kelompok gue presentasi. Gila pengen nangis rasanya. Perjuangan gue ke PIM pulang pergi ngebusway, selama dua hari (hampir) berturut-turut, dan keterbatasan data yang kelompok gue dapet karena susah banget minta ke Bilna nya, semua itu... Paid off really, really well...
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A long, tiring evening at FatBurger with Yabes (left), Olip (middle) and Ridho (the photographer). |
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Everybody, with Mbak Anne in the middle |
... Especially for the teatime clip
Oke, ini bagian yang paling epic nya.
And it happened today, so I can still feel the glorious moment.
And it happened today, so I can still feel the glorious moment.
Jadi untuk mata kuliah Eksekusi Pesan Audio Visual, gue dan kelompok gue dapet brief buat bikin PSA Sariwangi yang ngajak targetnya buat ngebiasain minum teh 15 menit sehari. Dan itu harus dieksekusi sampe ke bentuk iklan TV beneran. Cool nggak? Nah hari ini, semua hasil shooting dari anak Reguler sama Paralel ditontonin rame rame.
And at the end of the screening, the lecturer announced the best two clips according to her. Kelompok yang pertama menang adalah rekan sejawat gue, kelompok Paralel. Udah riuh nih ceritanya. At least we secured one spot. In case the other spot is awarded to the opposed teams, yeaa... 50:50 laahh.
Nah. Pas diumumin kelompok yang satunya lagi, itu yang namanya Rifky Ramadhan Amin udah kayak menang kuis dapet tiket gratis nonton konser Pitbull, plus sesi meet and greet dan karoke bareng, trus Pitbull nya kayak sadar akan potensi rapping gue sehingga gue pun dibawa ke Miami buat kolaborasi bareng.
And at the end of the screening, the lecturer announced the best two clips according to her. Kelompok yang pertama menang adalah rekan sejawat gue, kelompok Paralel. Udah riuh nih ceritanya. At least we secured one spot. In case the other spot is awarded to the opposed teams, yeaa... 50:50 laahh.
Nah. Pas diumumin kelompok yang satunya lagi, itu yang namanya Rifky Ramadhan Amin udah kayak menang kuis dapet tiket gratis nonton konser Pitbull, plus sesi meet and greet dan karoke bareng, trus Pitbull nya kayak sadar akan potensi rapping gue sehingga gue pun dibawa ke Miami buat kolaborasi bareng.
Yes, that was my team who won the other spot. Senengnya bukan main. Karena gak kayak beberapa kelompok lain, kelompok gue sama sekali gak pake bantuan outsource mahasiswa broadcasting buat jadi kru. That's one. And two, the main reason why I screamed like a retarded bastard, was because both spot was obtained by my class.
Remember last year, like, really last year, on the same month of June, there was the same head-to-head competition like this, and neither team of my class won the match? Yea, now we call it even. Revenge is sweet. Especially when you know that your class of four groups, swept all spots from those six groups of theirs.
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TG+F Group from left to right, Gilang, Utha, me again, Abi, and the girls from the research team |
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The whole class with the lecturer standing on the very middle, Mbak Tari |
Okay I'm a little bit carried away.
No, I'm not bragging about these stuff.
I'm just so proud of myself, for my efforts,
And my teammates selection
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