Monday, July 29, 2013


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Saturday, July 27th 2013.
We called it a regroup.

Mari kita mulai dari awal banget.

The building, the place where retarded stuff happened.

Gue adalah alumni SMAN 68 Jakarta angkatan 2010. Angkatan yang, menurut gue, paling kompak di 68 sejauh yang gue liat, dan yang paling kompak seumur hidup akademik gue. Kita udah lulus 3 taun yang lalu, dan gapernah sekalipun punya acara kumpul angkatan resmi.

Sampe akhirnya bulan Mei kalo gasalah, timeline 68'010 digemparkan dengan kehadiran akun twitter angkatan yang sampe sekarang ga ada yang tau siapa adminnya. Anak anak sih udah pada koar koar penasaran caritau siapa dalang dibalik akun itu, tapi gue mah sekut ae -padahal diem diem udah ngepo sana sini suudzonin orang orang yang berpotensi jadi si admin.

Nah buat starter, si admin ngusulin bikin bukber angkatan, dan swoosh jadilah kita bukber angkatan Sabtu kemaren di sekolah dengan ketua panitianya Vania -kandidat utama admin yang udah dicurigai oleh banyak oknum. Walopun yang dateng cuma setengah angkatan, tapi...

Gamungkin sih, gue kangen banget sekolah.

Ketemu sama orang orang dongo dari 3 tahun silam, ngulik ngulik kedongoan masa lalu, ceng cengan, mencak mencak, berkata kasar seakan lupa bahwa ibadah puasa masih berjalan... Ah, kangen deh berperilaku tak berbudi luhur macem itu.

Vimo & Mpi, temen dari SD sampe SMA :"

Trus gue diminta jadi MC. Bareng salah satu orgil jebolan 68'010 bernama Cindy. Udah ditunjuk dadakan, banyak rundown yang bolong pula. Jadilah segala kekosongan acara diisi sama candaan kita yang Alhamdulillah cukup menghibur. Tapi kadang emang cuma kita berdua doang yang ngerti ya abis gimana, orang orang pada kangen kangenan kan jadi gue sama Cindy cuma ngobrol berduaan aja :(

MC (Mates in Crime) hazek gatuh??

Kebatuan angkatan pun gak berubah. Di hari yang sama sebenernya ada banyak acara bukber di sekolah yang sejatinya, mereka adalah pemilik tulen sekolah itu dan kita hanyalah tamu. Tapi. Nyatanya 68'010 bukber di lapangan. Sound system lengkap, dikuasai oleh dua orang cot yang bisik bisik pun tetep pake mic.

Yang paling gatau diri adalah, di lantai bawah kan awalnya udah ditek sama anak futsal. Mereka mau pake dua kelas yang koridornya udah dikuasai sama meja prasmanan bukber 68'010. Dalam kesepakatan, koridor itu mestinya cuma dijadiin tempat singgah anak anak buat ngambil makanan, tapi makannya gak boleh disitu. Namun?

Ya tau sendiri lah gimana. Makan di koridor, ngeroko di koridor, ketawa di koridor, semuanya di koridor. Pada akhirnya anak anak futsal menyerah dalam hormat dan melipir ke satu kelas aja di pojokan, tak bergeming.

Oke. Gue rindu segala hal berbau sekolah.
Gue rindu ketemu pengajar dan harus cium tangan,
Gue rindu bertingkah gila individu maupun kolektif,
Gue rindu ditunjuk jadi sesuatu di kegiatan sana sini,
Gue bahkan rindu, hmm... Itu tuh... Belajar di kelas.

Gamungkin sih, gue kangen banget sekolah.

Twist, Dipsi? Duh gatau deh nama kelasnya apaan

I know the only thing to feed this longing
Is simply by meeting them all. At. Once.
Thank God we'll have one more soon.

So I'll see you guys on 2014

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Team Assassin


One thing I don't like from Animation Domination, as an OCD guy, is that the Belchers' last child, is no longer a baby unlike any other third children. But that's fine. That's so, so fine. Because there's something worse.

Yes, the Smiths only have two children and OWNS AN ALIEN INSTEAD!
It really violates my keep-things-in-right-extremely-similar-order sense :(

But anyway, despite the confusing composition, the show must go on.
There's one similarity between the fifth member of the family tho.
Mmm what is it ya... Oh right. Five of them are

Killer Within

From left to right: Louise Belcher, Stewie Griffin, Maggie Simpson, Rallo Tubbs, and Roger "Smith".
And for the last time, pictures aren't mine. Try to look for them in Google.

Especially for the babies. Maggie Simpson never seen talking, or reacting to most of scenes happened around her. But there's this deep, need-to-be-dug mystery inside of her. And she's quiet familiar with guns which she used on some episodes. While Rallo Tubbs, he's not as young as Maggie, he can talk anyway. But the way he acts, the way he speaks, the way he hates his step father Cleveland, seems like there's this aggressive thug possessing his body.

Louise Belcher is the eldest among the human babies. There's no mystery lies beneath her because she's 9 and her true behavior can be explored already. But to her siblings Tina and Gene, Louise can be considered as 'devil'. She dominates them. She's a controlling-type of girl and she makes messes a lot. Slightly similar to Roger who constantly seen manipulating, cruel, self-interested and tricky. He's a non human being and not even a part of the Smiths so, I'm not gonna talk about him too much.

Now the best part of this, well as you might guessed earlier, would be Stewie Griffin. Damn he looks antagonist, cold, mafia-liked, all characteristic of bad guys are on him. But he's a baby and that makes him so mysterious. He's also sarcastic -tho people might heard his words as if he talks nonsense like a regular baby, he can do stuff adult guys can't even do, and he possesses this major hatred towards his mother Lois. He's just, so, unguessable.

Well that's the Animation Domination's fifth requirement.
So now if you want to air your fantasy family in FOX,
Develop a rebel spin-off

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tribal Voyage


I'm into traveling, so much.

Well compared to some friends who travels more frequent, I'm just a novice. But through all journeys I experienced, I have already felt the sensation of skillful travelers. And that was just priceless. Especially when I do that alone. I can be the person I've always been hiding at home.

But umm, that only works for international trips. To be honest, I have no interest at all exploring Indonesian spots because umm, I see no pride in doing that. Passport stamps and communicating in English while traveling, those are what boost me. Sounds jerk enough?

Yeah I agree. That kind of me is an ass.

I kept holding onto that value until someday, when one of my foreign friends asked me where to visit in Indonesia besides Jakarta and Bali, I remained silent and had no idea at all. I had no idea about my own country. That bugged me a lot. I really wanted to know more about Indonesia, but nothing seemed to be able to ignite me.

But now, just now, well, not that 'now' but yesterday, I sensed callings from

Batak and Toraja

On the left, is Lake Toba in Medan and on the right is Torajan tombs in Makassar.

Yesterday a friend of mine, who's a Bataknese, proudly posted a video of Medan's new international airport, the Kualanamu. The video hit me right in my heart. The dramatic scenes, the colossal atmosphere, the Indonesian-tasted music, I have to go there! I told myself.

I know, it makes me want to visit Medan NOT because of the local culture, but the international asset instead. But at least it makes me want to land on Sumatra. I won't just visit Medan and stay by the airport the whole trip anyway, right?

And I know myself. I can't lie by saying I want to learn their customs oh God that's just so not me. I can't be that fully ethnical in just one trip so, Medan, as one of some international cities Indonesia has, would be a marvelous choice for a starter.

Now about Toraja. Another friend of mine is traveling back to her homeland, Makassar. And with all social networks she has, she showed everybody the beauty of her city. What striked me much is when she visited the native villagers and saw with her on eyes, the mystical side of Toraja I've been dying to know about. Yeah, the walking dead.

I really want to proof it myself, if the body is really moving or not, or just so so moving but everyone seem to make a big deal out of it and add some magical garnish so people will be curious, or... Anything could possibly happen and I want to see that with my own eyeballs!

See talking about this excites me already. Can't imagine if I can really perform the trip, experience it with myself, and rupture everything I see, here in my blog. That could cost lots of posts.

I want it. I want to do what those girls do.
Showing people what my nation possesses.
But first, of course, I have to get to know her.
My treasured motherland

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Excitement Over Sadness

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Kemaren bos copywriter gue, Mbak Oni, ngajakin gue buat ikutan recording di Mampang. Kebetulan gue udah ngerjain ini iklan dari awal banget, dari brief pertamanya baru turun sampe bikin script dan milih talent segala. Jadi ya gimana, mesti ikut sampe abis toh?

The field trip, I must say, was really, really inspiring and insightful.
I learned how a recording studio works, and met some cool people.

But the highlight of the moment was, of course, the voice acting part.
Hm. Voice acting. For you who don't know, I'm dying about voice acting.
I'd jeopardize my whole career if I can easily be a successful voice actor.

Anyway talking about voice actor. Talent pertama, hmm, ternyata bukan talent pilihan gue. Gapapa, masih ada tiga lagi. Dan dia gak se-yang-diharapkan itu. Jadi bukan salah gue dong? Fufufu. Talent kedua, ketiga dan keempat, sayangnya, bukan orang orang yang gue pilih. Tapi sumpah gue gak ngerasa sedih karena, tiga tiganya voice actor pro.

Pertama dateng Imam Darto. Gak begitu berkesan sih, tapi gue akuin doi oke banget ngisi suaranya. Luwes, cepet, hap hap hap langsung beres. Trus datenglah Arie Dagienkz. Yang ini seru banget, banyak cerita, seenaknya ngaduk ngaduk script tapi gapapa, kadang emang itu perlu sih. Bret bret bret, beres dengan riang gembira.

The boss, and one of the Dandees.

Dan yang paling berkesan adalah Fla. She did it professionally, she made it quick, she showed excitement about the ads and the script -I took part in developing it, remember? So I'm damn flattered- she told a lot about her broadcasting career, she talked with me, asked me questions, wished me luck for everything. But the most touching part was, when she asked about my age. And mumbled herself, 

"1992? That's cute."

Well. Here's the thing.

I've always liked being considered as an underdog.
I've always enjoyed when people think that I know nothing.
I've always felt secured when I have uplines, where I don't have to stand on my own.

But I know, it won't last any longer.
Soon I'll be hired by, I don't know, some agencies.
Soon title 'intern' will be kicked because I'll be a full time copywriter.

Oh God.

I'm drifting away even further from my childhood.
But on the other hand, I'm one step closer to my dreams.
I mean, I could easily be a voice actor because I'm so on that track.
Or, looking back to where I am now, I'm halfway being a true copywriter.

Yeah Lord.
I'm drifting away even further from my childhood.
But on the other hand, I'm one step closer to my dreams.
So should I feel excited, or sad?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Morphin' Time!


I'm done being excited about writing.
Everyone knows that I'm interested a lot in writing.
Now it's time for me to introduce something else, besides writing.

And that else, is childhood.

I don't know what to say about childhood.
I love childhood, I adore so much about my childhood.
I'd do anything to turn back in time, enjoy every piece of my childhood.

Or at least, collect what's left behind from my childhood.

But I have no idea where to find them.
What I still keep from my childhood, is my memory.
And now, this blog will help me rebuild those long lost moments.


I gained enough reputation using my own name.

Picture of Neverland, obtained from here.

Now wish me luck in Neverland

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Team "I'm Living My Own Way" Daughters


It's Saturday already!
Gosh day passed so fast, don't you think?
Now it's time for the fourth Animation Domination! -- one more to go!

Recap, recap.
We've been talking about the dads, the moms, the sons,
So now you know where we are, and yes! Please welcome

Daddy's little girl, who hates daddy

From left to right: Tina Belcher, Meg Griffin, Lisa Simpson, Roberta Tubbs and Hayley Smith.
So yea yea, you know the pictures aren't mine, those are obtained from Google.

Well, not all of them hate their fathers.

Lisa Simpson is one with the moderate level of hating her dad. Well it's because of her brilliant side, logical way of thinking, and plus she's a Buddhist, all of those smart pants things are totally against Homer's lifestyle. That's why that fat ass sometimes ignore Lisa. The same thing goes with Meg Griffin. She's oftenly underestimated by her father because she has all the criteria of being a loser. No wonder why most of the times, Meg turns to be a rebel girl towards Peter. 

So the girls with the highest hatred level for their dads, are Roberta Tubbs and Hayley Smith. See, Roberta is Cleveland's step daughter. That explains why she doesn't really care about what Cleveland concerns. He's not her real dad anyway. Now Hayley, Hayley is a true hipster-liberal girl. She drinks alcohol, smokes marijuana, and all of it, of course, are against Sam's value as he's an ultra patriotic American guy.

While Tina Belcher, is the least likely to hate her dad remembering that Bob Belcher is the least idiotic among other dads. But still, her way of living is against her family daily habit. She's emotionless, not interesting, accused to be autistic, and what surprised me was, she's a pervert. She writes erotic stories, she peeks into boys locker room, and she fantasizes about weird sex stuff.

Anyhow, these five girls still love their fathers. They know that their dads love their families so much and they know that they love them as well. After all, they're just a bunch of growing teenagers who find it cool to act against what their fathers want.

Well that's the Animation Domination's fourth requirement.
So now if you want to air your fantasy family in FOX,
Make a different path for the girls

Monday, July 15, 2013

Check Two: Final Paper Outline

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It's outdated. Again.

Like I teased ya earlier, I've been so busy dealing with internship stuff. I never thought it'd be like a real employment because at first, my boss didn't seem to accept my skill but--

Well well well, look who's got a little bit carried away here?
Tell you guys about this copywriter stuff later,
I have something else to report in here.

So last week my two friends and I had this outline trial for our final paper. It's me, Vanessa and Putra, joined to Team Nadia. We were so nervous at first but the trial turned out to be just like a light discussion filled with minor revisions and feedbacks.

The trial chief liked my outline. She liked the structure. But yea, as a first rough step, there are many  parts I have to work on to make things better.

Oh, it's Whiskas anyway.

The brand I'll be dealing with for the whole next semester.
So yea, my dearest blog, and all of you who reads my blog,
There's a big possibility that I'll bring Whiskas to your life :)


Several steps away to New York.
God, please make it work.

And I'm so done with the outline quirk

Sunday, July 14, 2013


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Hey there daily visitor!
Well, if any...

So if you wonder, today I've been doing some changes to my blog appearance. You know it's 5 years old already and I guess it's just time to rebrand this stuff. I've even been thinking to change the name of this blog. Apparently, personally, naming this blog with my own name is not quiet selling.

But this gon' be a major transformation for everything like, everything.

Everybody knows this blog as rifkyramadhan blogspot, not anything else.
Every blog buds linked my blog to rifkyramadhan blogspot, not anything else.
All my life, all this time, it's always been rifkyramadhan that I ran to, not anything else.

It's risky I know, it's emotionally challenging.
But something inside tells me to

P.S. : Wish me luck :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Team Loser Sons


God it's been a very busy moment of my life.
I enjoyed being a copywriter so much and--
Okay, it's not a post to talk about that.

Remember about Animation Domination stuff I brought up?
I talked about the fathers and the mothers already,
And now I'm entering the third similarity.

Hats up to the useless sons.

From left to right: Gene Belcher, Chris Griffin, Bart Simpson, Cleveland Brown Jr and Steve Smith.
The pictures, again, are not mine and I obtained those from Google.

We know Bart Simpson. We all know that brat Bart. A troublemaker, a menace, has no manner and owns a bad bad attitude towards his father, sometimes get bullied by bigger kids and befriends another loser named Milhouse. Good thing is, Bart still have his brilliant side sometimes he can enjoy the world on his own way.

A different thing goes to Chris Griffin, Cleveland Brown Jr. and Gene Belcher. They're imbecile, they're dumb, most of the times are underestimated and referred as idiots even by their own families and in addition, they're fat. To make it worse, Cleveland tend to be gay.

But the true figure of a nerd lies on Steve Smith. Extremely distinct to his father Sam who -for people who don't know his real side- looks athletic, or his mother Francine who looks like a diva, or his sister Hayley who looks cool, Steve uses glasses instead. His friends are total gawks consisting of a fat ass, an acne breeder nerd, and a geeky Asian. And oftenly, he gets manipulated by his slick alien housemate and sets into troubles.

Well that's the Animation Domination's third requirement.
So now if you want to air your fantasy family in FOX,
Beat their sons awfully

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Beast I Look Up To

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So I watched Monsters University.

Before that, I was completely sure that this prequel would be fantastic for me, because, you know, I've always liked to see the past and the future of fictional characters. And yeah I liked the movie. A lot. 

Especially the young James P. Sullivan.

Applaud to the director.
Or the creator of the character.
Okay, to whoever create the young Sulley.

It's just so alive. I mean, Sulley in the university is so a jock. His posture, his attitude, his charm, his fame, his power, his slacker side and how he relied on his physical plus to attract everybody, those are all, so alive.

Everyone else in the movie is also lifelike. Like Mike with his nerd, obsessive side. And the Oozma Kappa fraternity that's just a bunch of losers, along with the preps, the goths, the cheerios... Felt like attending a real university.

But Sulley, ummm...
There's this reason why I like him the most.


It's because he can get along with the nerds. 

Seeing Mike ruled the team, dominate every single member of the frats, and Sulley -although on some level, he takes Mike for granted- obeys to him without any complaint, makes me adored. A jock like him, in real life, won't even bother noticing the presence of the nerds. It's something like, apparently, deep inside this fierce beast figure, Sulley's actually a good guy.

He brings me back to real life, where some certain people seriously cannot be judged from the outside. He also reminds me that in campus, I can actually befriend anyone else I expect.

It may sound too much, but if I were to go to one of American universities, and I happened to be one of those nerds, being bullied, ignored and stuff, I might eventually be energized just by watching the movie. It could simply be my confident booster.

For me, he's much more than just a cartoon character.
People might not see that but yaa, I look beyond visibility.
Maybe because now I'm a Sulli-fan

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

If I Had You Earlier...

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Ternyata udah lima tahun.
Kebersamaan gue dengan blog ini.

Udah lima taun.

Ih gila ye ternyata gue betah banget mencurahkan segala kesampisan jiwa dan raga ini disini. Kalo ini blog jadi orang, gue udah dirajam kali ya gegara ngejejelin doi dengan ceritera ceritera gue.

Oke jadi kemaren gue sempet kepikiran. Kalo misalnya gue udah punya blog ini dari lahir, kayak apa ya kira kira isinya... Nah dari hasil napak tilas gue ke perjalanan hidup gue, kira kira seperti ini rangkumannya.

Skip kali ya? Nulis manual aja belom bisa, apalagi ngetik? :)

Bahasanya bakal lebih kayak dear diary, isinya soal musuh musuhan sama naksir naksiran, hal gapenting dijadiin masalah besar, sehari hari kisahnya hanyalah "hari ini main ini di sekolah, pulang sekolah les dulu, abis itu main sebentar di rumah si itu, sorenya dijemput Ibu, trus sampe rumah nonton TV7."

Jam postingannya pasti sekitar jam 8an, di kala segala PR udah beres, udah beresin buku, tinggal selonjoran aja sambil nonton Srimulat atau Dunia Lain. Tapi fix sih bakal susah update blog karena internet masih zonk banget, mesti pake infrared Nokia bokap dulu biar bisa konek :')

Junior High
Duh. Takut sih gue sebenernya ngebayangin kalo SMP udah punya blog. Tulisannya jadi 5eM4CeMz eEniY -gak separah itu sih, tapi menjurus lah- trus bakalan banyak foto foto dengan bird view angle, cewek ceweknya duck face, pose hormat atau ssshhh gitu HAHA sumpah enek sendiri ngebayanginnya.

Pada masa ini, skejul postingan mungkin lebih fleksibel karena warnet udah menjamur dan game online sedang merajalela. Palingan ledakan jumlah posting itu terjadi pada hari Sabtu, dimana gue dan temen SD gue Poska sering banget ke warnet main Ragnarok.

Early Senior High
Jaman jaman awal SMA itu jaman paling indah. Dan fanatik. Jadi gue dan Turistas, kelas pertama gue di SMA, itu kayak we belong to each other gitudeh, apa apa bareng, kemana mana bareng, anya unyu inyi segalanya dilewati bersama. Hampir semua- kelas lain ampe sirik gitu sama kita.

Jadi, pasti isi blog gue kebanyakan bakalan menceritakan keseharian gue di kelas, bagaimana kebersamaan kita yang hangat itu terjadi, bagaimana kita melawan aura aura negatif kiriman kelas lain, pokoknya so sweet deh.

Gue inget banget pas Lebaran, gue kayak pengen cepet cepet masuk biar bisa main bareng lagi. Fix sih kalo segala hal itu ditulis di blog, gue di kelas sebelas dan gue di kelas dua belas bakalan nyesel banget pas baca harapan naif itu.

Tapi gue yang sekarang,
Kalo baca segala hal fana itu,
Pasti bakalan senyam senyum sendiri,
Nepok jidat sambil geleng geleng dan membatin,

"Apa sih yang ada di otak gue waktu itu?"

But then again, I will thank my old self big time.
For having such willingness to write every details of those times.
And let the now me to enjoy, relive, re-imagine, feel it all over again.

So that's my blog is all for

P.S. : Happy birthday, Lifetime Journal :)