Sunday, January 30, 2011


Driver was a driver of a bankrobber gang of his brother. After they succeeded robbing a bank, a gang ambushed them and killed all of them. Fortunately, Driver was saved from the death but due to his bankrobbing crime, he was sent to the prison. 10 years after, he's finally free. Now he's on his own mission to look for the gang members that murdered his brother and kill them all. But that's not that easy. There's a cop named Cop who chase after Driver's case, and there's also an assassin called Killer whose client wants Driver killed.

What did I feel right after? Puas. Haha entah kenapa perasaan ini selalu muncul kalo gue nontonin film tentang bales dendam. Ya iyalah, seru jir. Tapi emang rumit banget ceritanya. Nulis sinopsisnya aja ampe ribet sendiri gue. Dan si Driver, Cop sama Killer tuh emang itu nama mereka. Gue juga baru ngeh abis selesai nonton. Tapi brilian deh ide ceritanya. Banyak scene scene sama fact fact yang bikin penonton bilang, "Oooh, ternyata begini!" atau "Ya ampun! Ternyata dia orangnya!?" haha agak lebay sih gak segitunya juga, tapi begitu deh. Pokoknya oke deh nih film. Sadis-sadis menggigit gimanaaaaa gitu. Buruan ditonton!

image source: here


  1. Natasya Andrea PutriJanuary 30, 2011 at 9:07 PM

    kata kata terakhir nya itu loh baaang "Buruan ditonton" SALES PROMOTION GIRL ABEEESSSS

  2. haha wuanjer spg. eh, emang ada spg yang nawarin film?

  3. Belum nonton nih. Kayaknya seru abis ya...
    Iya, saya Indonesia asli, hehehe.
    Blog full Inggris karena dipake untuk paid review.

    Have a great week ahead :)

  4. wah kayaknya seru yah ngeblog ada bayarannya. ntar saya nanya nanya boleh dong ya hehe
