Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year of Mine, The Year of Ours

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Guess what? It'll be my last post of the year, I suppose. Yea because tomorrow I'll be having my holiday and the day after tomorrow we'll live in a year called 2011.

I'm sure I'm gonna miss this year.
The year when I learned just so many priceless things in my live.
The year where I feel twelve different euphoria on each month.

Struggles, pressure, worries, relieves, freedom, supports,
Unemployment, adaptations, patience, excitements, responsibilities
And resolution.

Blend all together, forming a massive year of 2010.

It's a long long journey I had.
And lots of lots of stories I shared.
With many many friends I've always loved.

I totally love this year.
Never thought it'd end this fast.
But it won't disappear that fast.

Wait, eleven pictures representing twelve months?
Oh gotcha, I forgot this one--resolution...
Well, I hope... I hope...
2011's just as friendly as 2010

P.S. : this post was inspired from my friend Nisa's. thanks, Sis

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Behold The Future, Set Aside The Past, Play Nice Oh My Nation

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tonight will be a super huge day ever for us, Indonesians
you can guess what, it is the

Second Leg of AFF Cup Final Match
The Sudden Death One

so, what's so special about that? well...
there'll be a lovely encounter with our favorite neighbor,
who else but Malaysia

i can't come to be one of the witnesses
it's an oh so fvckin' facts that i heard yesterday
why can't i? final exam?
no, predicted riot's the reason
and it sets me on the most upset mode of myself

i'm so sorry that i can't stand by you guys
HA, am i that important? no, of course not
there are thousands of other supporters there to scream the cheer

i'm nervous
of what? final exam?
nah, not really

well i'm just worried of seeing this tonight

yeah i know, we should be optimistic somehow
but still, being realistic sometimes needed
so when we can't get what we want,
hearts won't be hurt

and men, i've heard a rumor about this
a bad conspiracy of the match
so bad like, B-A-D

but i'm sure, and i hold a flawless faith in this
that the right one will conquer
that the bullied one will purchase the justice
that the excluded one will deserve the best

so who cares what the globe said?
who cares what the damn bastard neighbor did?
who cares what~what will happen if we fail?

no, i don't
i don't give a sh*t
win or lose, i'll support you
cliche? yes! yes it is!
but once again, i don't care

come on Garuda, this is it!
set the blaze for us
battle their cheats with fairness
resist their insults with hospitality
fight back laser-raid with... no laser!

and don't you worry
because we got your back
and we'll cheer 'till the end

~Good Luck

Monday, December 20, 2010

When Nationalism Spreads Out

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helloooooo, gue mau cerita pengalaman super unik gue di GBK kemaren. ya, bener bener kemaren. satu hari yang lalu, Minggu, 19 Desember 2010, H-1 UAS. agak nekat emang, tapi bodo ah

Indonesia vs Filipina
Partai Semifinal Piala AFF 2010

jam setengah lima sore gue, dua adek gue dan dua temen adek gue dianterin bokap nyokap gue ke senayan karena nyokap gue gak ngasih kita bawa mobil mengingat betapa ramainya senayan di partai partai sebelumnya. ini semifinal coy, penentuan pula. gamungkin kalo gak rame

sesampainya disana, beli pernak pernik dulu dong ya. baju, stiker, trompet, air horn, kita santap semua. abis itu masuk ke dalem, dan berjuang sekuat tenaga menuju pintu 1 melewati ribuan manusia lain yang udah ngedomprok disana. sampe di pintu 1, kita nunggu sepupu gue sama om gue ampe jam... lama deh pokoknya! pas national anthem pun kita masih aja diluar -__-

skip skip skip akhirnya kita masuk. meniti satu per satu anak tangga menuju tempat duduk dengan hasrat dan semangat setinggi gunung, tapi pas liat lorong masuknya...

SH*T! itu rame banget sumpah. nonton di tivi lebih jelas gue rasa. dan seat yang hendak gue tempati di bagian bawah, yang gue gatau namanya, yang deket royal box, yang warna biru deh pokoknya, nah itu gak beda jauh riuh ramenya sama tribun.

pokoknya udah gak ada akses kemanapun buat kesana. kita udah numpuk bejubelan geratak supaya bisa masuk kayak apapun gak bakalan bisa. ujung ujungnya malah tambah mampet dan muka gue udah di depan sepatu orang yang sedang asyik duduk di pinggiran tangga sambil nonton dengan riangnya. gerah dan kewalahan, kita keluar dari sono

untungnya bukan cuma gue dan pasukan gue aja, tapi ada ratusan orang kurang beruntung lainnya yang juga mampet diluar. pada ngamuk dong ya memperjuangkan hak, minta keadilan ditegakkan dan panitia diturunkan (hazzek). yaudah intinya disini gue mpet banget. harusnya gue di rumah aja. nonton dari tivi dan BISA BELAJAR!

tapi kita gak menyerah gitu aja. tanggung jir udah sampe GBK tapi masa gak liat apa apa. akhirnya adek gue si saldi minta diangkat biar dia bisa naik. hup hup hup argh damn you kyaaaa! dan dia pun sampai di tempat duduk depan royal box dengan selamat. kita yang masih di bawah udah minta ditarik gitu kan kayak rakyat minta dikasih makan

dan lo tau apa selanjutnya yang terjadi? gol kawan kawan. kita yang di bawah yang gak liat apa apa pun ikut jingkrak jingkrak gak jelas sambil teriak teriak. konfeti udah beterbangan dimana mana, kembang api udah dilesatkan, penonton makin rame, makin liar, makin menggila

nah disini nih semangat gue membuncah. gamau tau gue juga harus naik! dan dengan ditarik adek gue serta diangkat oleh temen temen adek gue, gue pun dengan suksesnya bergabung di atas. dempet dempetan sih, banget! tapi gue gak peduli. skip skip skip, semuanya pun satu per satu naik dengan usaha dan perjuangan masing masing yang gila, dan kami ber-7 (ditambah sepupu gue dan temennya) akhirnya bisa ikut mericuh

huff, perjuangan loh itu gak boong. demi nonton indonesia yang sumpah bodoh banget gue kalo pulang karena gak bisa masuk. sisa pertandingan yang gue tonton? yaaaaa, seru lah. teriak rame rame, ngata ngatain wasitnya, maen maenin air horn, gak ada duanya deh

ya Allah, untung aja indonesia menang
walaupun gue gak liat golnya tapi ya... sudahlah
pokoknya makasih banyak buat abang yang satu ini

karena doi, gue gajadi nyesel dateng ke GBK
nah sekarang gue lagi UAS nih
doakan aku ya!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's Start From Zero

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remember about the time i was on fire to have my own favorite football team? when i thought that becoming one of a club's supporters would be so exciting? well, i've finally found it. one of the English Premier League top club; Liverpool

... top club
well, they're not

they're now in their miserable phase. lost from most clubs--even small ones, kicked to the lower ranks, underestimated by people around the globe. sigh, am i choosing the wrong club?

well... i ain't!

supporting a club from their gloomiest moment is so fun, especially when i got my emotion roller-coastered. i can't wait for the time when i really into them like, REALLY. i'll sacrifice everything just to put my butt in front of the TV, act like an idiot along the drama

okay, i'm done with this post and--
ah look! here comes another loss :')

cheer up, mister! lots of chances lie ahead

image source: here