Sunday, October 28, 2012

If Only, If Only...


Here's the deal.

"All these things in this post, let's say I'm sharing it hypothetically.
So Dad -if you're reading this- please remain calm."

You remember one day, I thought when I grow older I'd love to pet a cat. Yea. Uhuh. Okay well now I don't think it's gonna work. As time went by, I learned quiet well about myself and I know I'm a lazy ass guy.

Owning a cat will make my life... you know, we both will just sit together, eat chips and watch some lame cartoon all weekend long. We'll grow older and spend our last times in front of the TV--Shoot, stop! That's, when I realize I'm not a cat person.

So yeah -here comes the part where I'm sure my dad's gonna freak out reading this- a dog will do. Dogs are active, fun, and protective. They'll bite my un-movable ass and force me to walk him down by the apartment park. They'll howl at me, try to wake me up and force my vulnerable feet to take him down to the jogging track. See, my life would be much healthier with a dog by my side.

But then I thought to myself, what kind of dog? A big one will cost me hell and effort because I gotta be wiping all his spits and poops. So then a small one it is. But still... What kind?

Okay you know how teenagers nowadays love to stalk others through the social media. In Bahasa we call that 'ngepo', from the word 'kepo' or 'kaypoh' in Singaporean. So yea basically we now have needs to ngepo somebody else.

I happened to stalk many people of BBDO Agency. Ya you know, they work for BCA and I happened to meet some of them. While doing the ritual, I found someone who has this adorable dog.

It's a Schnauzer. And I fell into a sudden love seeing him for the first time.

See? Geez look at his innocent face, and those spineless eyes... Who could say no to him? I may spend more money on him than on myself.

And his cute, crushable little figure... I can keep him inside my backpack and go inside places where pets are not allowed. Yea I'm sure I can't stand even one minute without him. Cause you know, I'll be attached to him real quick.

Then he'll be switching the role of my alarm. Every morning he'll jump to my bed, bark by me and weakly pull my blanket to wake me up. I'll stay in bed but once he starts his desperate yelp, I give in tho.

Ooo can't wait to have my own place to live. Can't wait to see a tiny four legged creature wander around my living room. Can't wait to show him to my friends and they'll all be like, "Aww what a cute dog! Can I hold him?" or "Aww you guys look marvelous together!"

Yea time flies, I get it. Maybe the next thing I know I'll be having like tons of them, breeding like uncontrollable beasts. Or maybe I'll only have one because he'll be loyal enough to walk me down my days? Well I can't tell.

What I know now is,
This post is just hypothetical

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Gig I Never Felt Before


Gue emang gak terlalu ngefans sama doi. Tapi beberapa lagunya itu featuring artis-artis tenar yang beberapa gue doyan. Jadi mumpung dirinya lagi kemari gitu kan, gada salahnya juga sih gue nonton. So, jadilah kemaren, gue dan temen-temen kampus gue tongkrongin

David Guetta
At Eco Park, Ancol

Karena jadwalnya barengan sama Big Bang yang konser di Mata Elang, plus itu adalah malem minggu, jadi walopun open gate nya itu jam 9, gue udah standby di Ancol dari Maghrib. Ketemu Ichoy, Key sama Cika trus kongko kongko dulu. Biasa laah anak muda fuuufuufufuuf.

Jam 11 pasukan udah lengkap, baru deh kita masuk. Disini lah gue menyadari bahwa konser ini beda dari yang pernah gue datengin sebelumnya. Yaiyalah, biasanya jam 11 udah ketar-ketir bingung mau pulang naik apa, lah ini jam 11 baru cekakak cekikik masuk gate. Di voucher nya pun bilang, kalo acara selesai jam 4. Nah loh, bingung kan tuh mau ijin cem apa ke orang rumah. Untung gue anaknya jarang melawan, selalu patuh dan rajin menabung. Jadi sekalinya minta ijin pulang pagi yaa dibolehin hohoho.

One thing else, Guetta nya baru muncul jam 1. Lebih dikit. Performa gue yang udah keluar rumah dari masih terang, belom makan malem dan tenaga udah abis buat jogetin DJ DJ sebelumnya, mulai menurun. Dan lo harus tau, beberapa saat sebelum jam 1, GUE KEBELET PUP! Perut aneh, belum diisi udah mau buang hajat. Mana spot udah pewe banget kan itu gue sama yang lain ada di tengah-tengah venue.

Tapi yaudah deh, gue lebih milih memanjakan perut yang udah 20 taun nemenin gue hidup itu -si Landra dengan nyinyirnya bilang, "Jadi lo lebih milih tai daripada joget bareng gue??" wakakak sampiz- dan dengan lemah gemulainya menerobos ribuan orang yang lagi asik joget tanpa ngerasain gejolak perut yang gue rasain. Iri sih, tapi ya gimana ya. Jalan hidup orang kan beda-beda. Kali ini jalan gue adalah toilet umum. Itu doang.

Sampe sana, antriannya panjang parah. Gue ngantri sambil duduk, meremas perut dan membujuknya supaya tahan lebih lama sampe akhirnya fireworks berkumandang. Penonton membahana. David Guetta masuk.

Gue berasa dikhianatin. Bayar 400 ribu cuma buat ngantri toilet yang lo mesti tau, pas tinggal tiga orang lagi sebelum akhirnya gue masuk ke toilet yang fana itu, ternyata di pintu tertempel sebuah pengumuman yang bunyinya, "Toilet hanya untuk buang air kecil."

Tiba-tiba hajat gue kayak naik lagi ke perut. Gue minggat, langsung balik ke venue buat join the parteyy. Tapi ya kan gamungkin ya gue nerobos itu angry mob buat balik ke temen-temen gue. Ya jadilah gue ke barisan paling belakang, duduk sambil ngetweet karena sakit perutnya belum beres.

Sedih sih. Akhirnya gue keluar venue aja daripada sakit hati. Eh gak berapa lama, temen-temen gue muncul. Mungke-mungkenye pada gak excited gitu. Ternyata menurut mereka, David Guetta nya kurang 'pecah', gak semenggigit yang diharapkan.

Justru special guest nya, yang gue tonton dari jam 11 sampe tiba saatnya waktu pup itu tiba, yang menurut mereka semua paling nampol. Yes, it was


Untuuuuungg aja pas Alesso gue masih gagah perkasa. Joget-joget liar bareng Landra, bikin barikade supaya orang gak lewat-lewat, abis itu lonjak-lonjak dan foto-foto lucu. Dan untuuuuuungg aja David Guetta nya gak sehits itu. Jadi yaa kurang lebih keputusan gue buat ke toilet itu tepat -walopun ujung-ujungnya gue kaga jadi pup.

Ah gila, puas kok sebenernya. Apalagi ngelewatin itu bareng temen-temen tolol nan gila cem mereka semua. Some things are desperately needed to be reshared again at the campus, some things are mandatorily needed to be left by the park. Ngaco sih serunya, tapi mesti banget ada disana biar bisa ngerasainnya. Susah cuy kalo diceritain dari sini haha.

I might not get the chance to sing along some David G's songs I like.
But the memories I got last night, well it replaced the money I spent.
Can't wait to attend DWP!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

If You Consider This as Abnormal, Please Let Me Know Right Away!

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Before you go on, I warn you, this post might change your perception about me.

So you must know Naruto. That popular anime, and comic thing, that's just so... Popular. The story's about ninja lives. Consisting many characters of male ninjas and female ones, known more as kunoichi.

Speaking of kunoichi, I somehow have my favorite one out of many female ninjas appeared in Naruto series. Her name is Tenten.

From the buns set and suit she worn, and also her name, she's Chinese. She's a protagonist. But roll a minor part. That's why when she appears, it's such a sweet surprise because I somehow long for that.

When her thoughts are considered by other ninjas, I feel honored. Yet while she's ignored or forgotten, damn I feel like being cheated. Gosh it's weird, eh?

Guess I'm gonna stop it now.
It's not that I'm such a lonely, nerdy pervert.
I just appreciate the art of animation