Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wipe The Duel, Up Out My Face

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American Idol's back. Now is season 12. With brand new faces of Keith Urban, Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj. I never thought God loved me that much, He put not only one, but two of my favorite ladies as the new judges!

But then... You guys probably know what went wrong. Yeah, the catfight. Between the all-time diva, and the mesmerizing rapper. Damn. Ego bummed.

As Mariah shined bright way earlier than Nicki, people kept blaming Roman for the riot. They say that Mariah is just too soft, too classy to start the fight, and Nicki, seeing her 'fun' attitude in most of her performances, is rebel enough to be the provoker.

That could be right. And I could possibly buy it.
If I never know that Mariah's diva-ness is not annoying.

Carey's a princess. Glamour. Expensive. She's sometimes arrogant. She requires weird, complicated riders -20 white kittens and 100 doves could explain it all- and she even has the list of those bizarre stuff. Visually gentle and fragile, but skillfully shattering from the inside, if I can summarize.

And Nicki? She might not as wild as you thought about. On some battle against Mariah, she was the one who walked out. She actually looks up to her. She even considers to sign out being the judge for the live show because apparently, she's just looking for fun times from the audition. Although I guess her main reason to quit Idol is because she wants to avoid more feud against Mariah.

Please, women, I adore you both.
Let's get things back like 2010 when
You ladies were on the same scene, singing.

Seeing both of you calling each other's name
Giggling, dancing, supporting like that, it's relieving.

Then again I remember the fight between you two...

Well after all, I study communication.
I more or less know how basically most media works.
This conflict could possibly be set up. For the sake of the Idol's rating.

But if it's real...

Please, women, I adore you both.
I can't decide which side to be

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kimchi Fever: Re-Attack!!

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Wabah Korea udah gabisa dipungkiri lagi. Inget taun lalu? Pas temen-temen gue satu per satu tumbang dan mengalah pada kenyataan sehingga mereka jadi pengikut setia perKoreaan itu?

Pun gue hampir terjebak. Kepincut sebuah lagu dari salah satu girlband mereka. Untungnya cuma satu lagu itu doang selama setahun. Gak ada yang lain. Walopun jujur nih ya, efeknya sampe sekarang masih kerasa. Gue masih suka banget sama lagu itu.

Setahun kemudian, gue yang innocent ini lagi bolak balik MTV sama [V] Channel. Tiba-tiba di layar muncul video clip yang entah kenapa, padahal gue tau itu Korea banget, tapi gue kayak membatu aja gitu.

Lima menit kemudian gue membatin.
"Yak, gue harus masukin lagu ini ke iPod."

Meskipun resikonya adalah, gue harus ekstra ketat ngejaga supaya lagu itu gak ditemuin siapa-siapa. Karena kali ini, mereka bukan Wonder Girls. Bahkan, mereka bukan girlband.

Tapi ini.

Gimana nih. SHINee kawan kawan :'(
Mau sedenial apapun gue sama boyband itu, tapi satu lagunya ini keplay terus di otak gue.

Kejadiannya serupa "Beauty And The Beat" nya Justin Bieber. Gue suka karena ada cerita dibalik lagunya PLUS, disitu ada Nicki Minaj. Aside from that, I still hate that annoying dumb blondie male.

Tapi mau gimana lagi dong?! Emang si "Sherlock" ini dari sononya keren! Audionya aja catchy banget. Mistis mistis kocak gitu. Tapi paling pol sih ya koreonya... Cool abizzz pake z. Kalo gue dancer gue udah khatam kali tuh.

Yahh sudahlah, mengalah saja...

Asal tolong camkan satu hal nih ya. Gue cuma suka lagu sama koreonya. Pun kalo yang nyanyiin itu si JB kek, One Direction kek, Taylor Swift kek, Kristen Stewart kek, siapapun lah oknum di dunia ini yang gue benci, gue pasti bakal tetep kepincut sama lagunya.


This is beyond my logical thinking, feels like am hypnotized.
What the hell did these Korean people use for their music??
Oh I'm curious...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Whole Month Long of Slacking Off For Me, From Proud Me


Oke masa liburan udah mulai. Walopun hari-hari terasa berat gegara kemunculan pernilaian masih menggantungi nasib kami para mahasiswa, entah kenapa tiba-tiba libur udah hampir dua minggu aja gitu. Padahal gue belum siap ninggalin Januari penuh ceria ini.
Bukannya karena gue pengen berlama-lama di Januari -gue pengen cepet cepet Februari malah, karena gasabar pengen perform the magical solo trip. Bukan juga karena gue enggan masuk kuliah. Jujur, gue pengen cepet cepet semester 6 karena di term ini gue terbebas dari segala kepanitiaan, dan gue udah berhenti dari FISIPERS :') 
So why?? Why, Vicky, why don't you want to leave this month so early??
Because somehow, I turn to be a complete lazy ass this month. 
Parah. Jam bobo gue tambah berantakan. Tidur sih masih disitu situ aja, jam 1 atau 2. Tapi bangunnya... Makin geser jadi jam 9. Plus gue makin gak ada niat olahraga, makin nganggur ga karuan, makin makin makin payah deh.
Intinya, gue pengen lebih produktif sebelum Januari usai!
So, you don't want me to be a pro couch potato, eh?
Now January, please grow me some motivations

Yak. Tadinya gue mau nulis keluhan itu buat postingan kali ini.
Tapi setelah berpikir panjang, diskusi batin dan solat Istikharah,
Kayaknya gapapa sih gue berleha-leha di liburan kali ini.

Karena ternyata, sepertinya liburan ini adalah liburan panjang terakhir buat gue sebagai manusia merdeka. Coba deh liat liburan selanjutnya. Gue udah harus magang lagi. Dan liburan setelah itu, gue udah harus gesit mencari pekerjaan. Dan liburan setelah setelahnya, paling lama cuma sebatas liburan lebaran atau natal taun baru yang cuma semingguan :')

Pembenaran gue yang lain, pan liburan kemaren gue full magang kan ya. Dan pas semester 5, gue ditimpa sama kewajiban kewajiban fana di kepanitiaan kampus. Jadi sekali lagi, gue rasa emang saatnya buat gue di liburan yang sekarang ini nih, buat jadi kebo rumahan.

Dan pembenaran ketiga gue, adalah mengenai nilai semester ini. Walopun kemaren hectic sampe segitunya di acara kampus, tapi gue berhasil survive dan IP IPK semester ini pun lebih tinggi daripada semester lalu. Agila Vick, sumpedeh gue bangga banget sama eluu kyaa sini cium dulu :*

So yeah, Vick, you don't have to be feeling bad about this.
The universe is compiling to spoil you as a brand new couch potato.
Now January, you stay as long as you want

Monday, January 7, 2013

50 Ways to Say I Love The Song

I heard the song, for the first time, like months ago.
It was so catchy, with Latino sombrero-ish genre.
Overall, audio wise, I fell in love with the song.

But things changed after I browsed the lyric.
I was no longer in love with the song.
I wanted to marry the song.

Never thought that it's that amusing!
While singing, I'm imagining how the scene could be.
Only powerful songs could ever make me do that.

And the next I knew, I've made these already.

Damn, Train, you guys are geniuses.
Come to me now, and I'll teach you guys
How to lie in 50 ways

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Buzz Off, You Jealous Creatures

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I like Pitbull. A lot.
And people are against him, somehow.

I tried not to bother about that.
Until lately, one of my other idols is disturbed.

Her name is Nicki.

She's actually cool. She rapped like a pro. Her voice is not that bad, at all. And she's amusing as well! Although yea, I must agree, she's annoying. Her outfit, her eyes. But who cares, I like her!

Times ago, she was chosen as one of American Idol's new judges, came along with Mariah Carey -one of most beautiful lady I ever adored. I know, I know, compared to the diva, Nicki's just so so. But to be a judge of the talent show, guys, there's no harm in it!

She's got the skill. She's pretty unique to measure whether others' uniqueness are unique enough to be sold or not. She's a star, after all, that putting her on the show, could raise the attractiveness.

It's not the fact that Nicki's appearance on the judge's seat that bugged you, people.
It's the fact that you're not Nicki, that disturbed you and had you insulting her.

Think again :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Japan(ese) Here I Go!


New year usually came along with new resolutions. I'm not a type of guy who made resolutions every year -except last year, when I was totally bummed- but this year, I have one tho.

First of all, gue lagi males pake bahasa Inggris.

Oke. Jadi buat kalian yang nggak follow Twitter gue -ebuset berasa populer banget nih mas piki :')- pasti kalian gatau kalo gue lagi mulai belajar bahasa Jepang.

Single fighter. Otodidak-ly. Gaikut les. Cuma pake buku--
Yaudah intinya gue lagi berusaha coba belajar bahasa Jepang!

Pas semester 5 kemaren, yang Alhamdulillah udah beres itu, karena gue super disibukkan dengan segala kepanitiaan fana nan nggilani, jadinya gue gak fokus gitu deh belajarnya.

NAH sekarang kan udah selesai nih. Plus semangat liburan, plus semangat taun baru, saatnya melanjutkan apa yang udah gue lalaikan!

So yes! Mastering Japanese, is something I have to achieve before the closure of this year.

Or if possible, by the middle of the year.
Because somehow in one of those old months,
I'll be going to Japan

P.S. : Amen o Lord!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yearly Myth


So Happy New Year 2013, everybody!!

Postingan pertama di 2013 nih wuwuwuwuwu ya Allah 2012 beneran deh ya, gak kerasa banget tiba-tiba udah abis aja fufufu. Tapi emang deh, itu taun kebesaran gue haha banyak banget nikmat serta karunia Allah SWT yang gue rasain -tadinya gue pikir itu kan taun terakhir kita di bumi, makanya dikasih happy ending gitu :')

Jadi ada satu hal yang pengen gue sampaikan. Yaitu soal malam tahun baru. Sejak taun baru 2008 ke 2009, gue menemukan sebuah pola nan unik yang mengantar gue ke sebuah spekulasi spektakular -jir apa banget sih bahasa gue.

Yodeh mari ditelaah satu per satu.

New Year 2009: Bandung, Friends of X-2.
Di rumah Khobbab nih ceritanya, bareng rombongan anak kelas X-2 SMA 68 angkatan gue pastinya. Seru kan tuh bareng temen-temen, ceqaqaq ceqiqiq dengan segala ups and downs nya. Nah gotta tell ya, all year long in 2009, I learned a lot, A LOT, about friendship. Backstabbing, loyalty, togetherness pas kelas XI, comfort zone, team work from BAZKOM, independency from Baduy pas kelas XII. Shocked? Not yet.

New Year 2010: Singapore, Family.
Kala itu, pas jam 12 tiba, warga Singapore sudah siap dengan perkakas canned foam mereka dan mulai nyemprot-nyemprotin senjata mereka ke siapapun, bener-bener orang gak kenal sekalipun, pokoknya semua orang yang lagi nongkrong di Orchard Rd. Fun? Banget!! Berasa selebrasi kemenangan apa gitu deh gila kacau serunya. Dan apa yang terjadi selama 2010? Graduation. Selebrasi kelulusan yang, ya Tuhan, gabisa diungkapin gimana senengnya. Di taun ini juga gue mulai ospek di kampus. Seru-seruan sama total strangers, temen-temen baru yang sama sekali gak kenal sebelumnya, tapi bisa-bisanya nyatu dan jadi sebuah keluarga baru.

New Year 2011: Bali, Family.
Meskipun di Bali, gue mumet banget sama NYE yang satu ini karena ujan. Pulangnya pun harus nunggu taksi berapa lama baru bisa cabut dari Discovery Mall. Alhasil, setaun penuh selama 2011 itu gue ngalamin hal-hal yang yaaahh gak ngenakin deh.

New Year 2012: Jakarta, Mom and Dad.
Di Bunderan HI, ngeliat kembang api dan langit bersahabat. I didn't quiet enjoy the atmosphere tho, but one thing I liked was, I spent the night with my parents. Mungkin karena itu Allah ngasih setaun penuh kecerahan buat gue di 2012 haha! Emang deh restu orangtua gak ngalahin apapun.

The point is, subconscious matters. Suggestion works. You got one belief, and you put faith on it, then there you go. You'll surely have that.

So start from now, I'll see a bright side from each year, and hope the positive side for the next one. No matter how suck the NYE could be, I'll just make it fun, for the sake of my whole upcoming year.

Wets bentar dolo, satu lagi nih.

New Year 2013: Home, Alone.
Gatau sih ini pertanda apa, tapi yang pasti, awal dari 2013 ini akan dimulai dengan trip gue ke KL - Bangkok which I'm gonna be... Alone.

So could this year be my single-trip-all-around-the-globe-alone year?
Let's just hope that's true :)