Saturday, May 20, 2017

Perfect Stranger

Imagine that you meet a very interesting individual.

Somewhere at a bar, afar from the place you've always known. Your conversation starts from that song you both love. And it leads to more things to talk about.

It's exciting, yet on the same time, confusing.

Because you just clicked. But you know it won't last forever. You're surprised by how you could bump into such like-minded creature. But you know that the night would change nothing. You enjoyed the companion. But you know you won't stay together. You laughed all along, talking about the same damn taste of music you shared. But you know somebody will have to walk away. Your gin and cola never felt this nice. But the after-taste once you part ways, *chuckles*, try ordering another glass and you realize you don't want to have another sip.

Meeting great strangers only feels sweet when you're living the moment.
Afterwards, life unreasonably returns normal. And you're back on your own.

Just like this trip of mine to Australia.

It's perfect, but after all
It's still called "stranger"

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