Monday, May 28, 2012

Men in Black III

After Boris the Animal succeeded releasing himself, he went back to the past and killed young K to avoid his arrest. This affected to the change of history afterwards and yet erasing K from the post 60's timeline. Agent J, which had partnered with K for 14 years is the only one noticing the disappearance of K. He then traveled back to the past and prevented the murder of his partner.

What did I feel right after? Tricked. Gausah nontonnya dulu deh, baca resensinya di atas aja udah bingung kan lo? Haha. Mikir sih emang filmnya tapi jujur, keren abiz. Yaiyalah, kalo gak keren ya gabakal gue post juga. Pokoknya segala yang berbau time traveling itu, menurut gue, selalu menarik. Karena sepanjang jalan pasti satu per satu semua keanehan yang muncul di awal film bakal kejawab. Dan satu lagi yang seru adalah ngikutin pertumbuhan tokohnya. Siapa yang nyangka, misalnya, agent K yang dingin dan pendiem itu ternyata dulunya banyak omong? Atau agent O, si pengganti Zed ternyata dulunya punya lover? Atau agent J ternyata dulunya makmur? Mau tau banget keselanjutannya? Nonton sendiri, jangan banyak nanya.

Because some wise men once said,
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

image source: here


  1. I love the ending, bikin mata berkaca-kaca :")

    anw, gua punya blog juga lho, taro dong di blog lo hahahaha :p

    1. udah gue duga bakal ada yang ngomentarin soal endingnya haha tadinya mau gue masukin juga tapi jadi kepanjangan

      so anyway, i love the ending too!! i like that Griffin alien, his ability is so unique fufufu

      wokee nanti link nya gue pasang, lo juga pasang link gue ya di blog lo hehehe

  2. still prefer MIB 1 & 2 :)... MIB 3 was ok..but will smith is a really crazy fellow...

    Boris the its just Boris!

    1. honestly i kinda forget the plot of the first two haha but the emotional approach of this movie... epic!

  3. Guess, you need to watch Fringe from its 1st season to the last season. Let me know your hype :p

    1. Fringe? hmm just heard about that... well if you have the files, can i copy it? :p

  4. waaahh kayaknya kereeenn.. banyak yang koar2 bagus, penasaran deehh >.<
    aku juga suka berbau travelling, soalnya kadang nggak cuma bikin mikir, tapi jawabannya paradox sulit di logika akakaka

    apakah ini juga film yang nggak ada jawabannya juga ?

    1. nggak kok, semua yang janggal janggal yang muncul di awal filmnya langsung kejawab di akhirnya hehe seru banget lah pokoknya :p
