Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Power of Five

It's been a while since I gave birth to another child.

Let's take a look back to these past... three, four years? I published my first book in 2014, out of my Vietnam trip earlier that year. I went to Hong Kong and Macau in 2015, and my second child came out to this world by the end of the year. My grand journey to Japan led me to another kid, born only several moments after my Philippines book—both in 2016.

I didn't do any big trip in 2016, and was too busy in 2017 so there was this one year time of childless, until this year, 2018, FINALLY, 

My Australian Joey is Here!

Mate, don't get me started on how the process was. Dreadful -well there you go, I voluntarily explained it anyway. No, not the content because God, would I think twice to retell my Aussie trip in a book and relive that crazy amazing journey???

It's really THE, process, that was so... long, and draining.

See, 2017 was a shitty year in terms of my career. I mean, it was good, but hell it was crazy packed. I barely breathe mate, and that's why I only got to travel once -the big one was once, but the small ones were quiet a lot, thank God. Then 2018 came, and it was like a fvckin redemption to me, as even so far, I've been doing like, what, three, four trips??

It's only natural that finishing this book was super slow, and gotta admit, sometimes I lost willingness -and hope- in actually working on it.

But it's so unfair to give up to him.

My fifth kid, the first one out of Asia, the breakthrough after one full year of publishing no books—the power to see him up on the shelves was so high I forgot the fact that I barely have time and energy to wrap him up!

But the power of five don't lie.
He's out now with his brothers and sisters.

God, FIVE!

I still can't believe it, but my kids
Can be Power Rangers!

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