Let's not forget the essence of me, going to the US.
To be honest, it wasn't for traveling or for some culinary trip.
Well have I actually told you before? No?? Oh my God, what have I been doing??
There's this Model United Nations held by Columbia University the girls and I wanted--okay, HAD TO attend. Neither of us four had ever joined to this MUN things before, and it was actually a total shock when we first came inside the class. So umm, I guess we might gonna skip this topic.
So. Columbia University. To tell you the truth, I barely hear about the name before all this MUN thing started to be a part of my life since April this year. I'm more familiar with Harvard or Yale. So I took it for granted and never expected that Columbia University would be umm, what's the best word ya... Okay,
Architecture-wise, enchanting. I mean, three years in college, all I ever known about a "good" campus is a hundred-acre-woods one with buildings spread around, bus connecting one area to another and is placed out of town. In fact, an excellent campus doesn't necessarily have to be like that.
Columbia's placed in town, and is not organized too strict. I mean, they don't place their buildings in one full complex of their own. From one building to another, those are all in walking distance and are blending with public buildings. It's also easily accessed, you don't really have to spend like one hour driving from your house. And the important part is, you don't feel like you're traveling out of town when going to campus.
Aside of Columbia, I visited like, three other big universities in US. NYU was the first -even firster than Columbia- so when the girls and I stepped near the area, because we have no standards yet about how American universities were, we were like amazed with it. We convinced ourselves that we would be continuing our studies there -but once we saw how Columbia was looking better, we simply forgot about those empty promises.
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In two or three years, we'll be posing again like this as two of the students. AMEN O LORD! |
In DC, my local friend gave me a tour to Georgetown and George Washington University. Okay, Georgetown was like this fancy European castle, while GW, it's a university where rich human beings study. The fee, my friend said, costs a fortune. It's the most expensive one across US.
Seeing Georgetown and GW, it changed my mind again about the best university. I mean, NYU and Columbia were good. Big cities good. These two were good. Elegantly good. It just depends on which kind of city I'd love to live in, to complete my study experience.
I blabbered as if
I'm about to study in US eh?
I blabbered as if
I'm about to study in US eh?
Well, I'll work on it.
I been thinking to continue my study in Europe. Germany to be exact. People said that the cost won't be that harmful to Indonesians, both for academic and daily living. Plus, I have some friends whose apartment I can crash in for a while so, it's just the scholarship matter before I fly to Germany.
But studying in US, well, the cost and stakes are higher but...
This, is America. Who would say no to America?
Well some random people would.
But not me.
Back in the day those girls asked me to join their delegation attending the Columbia University MUN, it took only a single night for me to decide that I'd spend my mind, my money and my effort to be a part of them. Because this, is America. Who would say no to America? I won't.
I was worried that we'd probably get no sponsors and I had to pay like, millions.
But guess what? It turned out to be the best experience ever.
And studying in the US, well baby,
I should be worried if I get no scholarships... I have to pay like, millions.
But I'm sure I'll figure some way out, making this studying experience better than anything.
Because by studying in there,
I'm feeling like, I'm halfway localized.
Now who would say no to be American local?
Not me
This, is America. Who would say no to America?
Well some random people would.
But not me.
Back in the day those girls asked me to join their delegation attending the Columbia University MUN, it took only a single night for me to decide that I'd spend my mind, my money and my effort to be a part of them. Because this, is America. Who would say no to America? I won't.
I was worried that we'd probably get no sponsors and I had to pay like, millions.
But guess what? It turned out to be the best experience ever.
And studying in the US, well baby,
I should be worried if I get no scholarships... I have to pay like, millions.
But I'm sure I'll figure some way out, making this studying experience better than anything.
Because by studying in there,
I'm feeling like, I'm halfway localized.
Now who would say no to be American local?
Not me
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