Saturday, May 19, 2012

Local Taste Never Lie

So there is this girl.
This famous, famous girl.
Well no longer a girl, actually.
She turned to be a fair, dainty lady.

She's a star of L'Oreal ads here in Indonesia. Back then, when her line was "No More Bad Hair Day", I was mesmerized, indeed, but I have no plan at all to get her worshiped.

Now she came with her new ad, still with L'Oreal.
Several years after the old ad but still, gorgeous.


Burgundy themed ambient.
Flawless model-like gesture.
Long, wavy, fluttering hair.
Lips like licorice.
Fancy dress.

Five chicness, one whole package.
I'm into you, Dian Sastrowardoyo


  1. Since i was in Senior High school this actress be most famous in Indonesia and the world. Her Beauty original Indonesia. Her Talent in the movie is very amazing.

    Salute for Dian Sastro.
    Keep In touch too bro. Your link has been put in my sidebar of mine

    1. hahaha dulu pas masih muda sih (jaman AADC) sebenernya biasa aja. eh sekarang udah jadi ibu ibu justru malah jadi lebih menarik haha

      yeay, thanks so much! i'll be adding you right away! :D

  2. dia punya aura yang udah mengkarakter, aura wanita indonesia banget :))
    salam solid yaah kaka

    1. setuju banget! karena mukanya dia Indonesia sekali, makanya banyak yang suka, termasuk ehm, saya :">
