Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Call Me Dreamer, Maybe?


When tuning radio lately, I've always stopped to some certain songs. Well it's not just the beat, or the lyric that I'm staying there to listen to. It's the imagination of the singers, instead.

So you guys probably--well, 'must' actually...
Okay, okay, let's just start over...

So you guys must know Carly Rae Jepsen.

Yes, the 2nd runner up of Canadian Idol which single crashed most of major music charts all over the globe? The cute girl who turns out adoring a gay boy? Haha yes, her!

I only know her through two songs. First one is hers, and the second one is featuring Owl City. But then, I don't know, I just like her. Her voice is uncommon, her face looks uniquely cute, overall she doesn't look like most cocky girls I've ever seen on TV.

Also, she's looking fun. And attractive. And flexible. A kind of girl who will invite me for shots and dance wildly down the street. And do dumb stuff. And be kicked out of the bars. Haha too much imagination Vick, too much.

Well uh, I hope she's not just a one-hit-wonder.

But if she is, well I'm not gonna be worried because I have some other girl that I'm recently adoring. And she's nearby! I mean, she's from this country. So take a bow, to Raisa!

Well I'm not that fanatic anyway. I just, well you know, like her as a guy normally likes a girl. I once saw her singing in a mall but yea, I just stopped to check who was singing, smiled a bit after found out it was her and then walked away.

I happen to like her voice. It just suits her appearance. Looking elegant and not corny in all way. A kind of girl I'd like to invite to have a cute drink and perform a socialite dance. My classy girl, indeed.

Source of Carly's picture is here, while Raisa's is here.

Damn I'm wondering too much.

But if it could be real, well,
I'll be owing God so much.
But now the question is,
Could it be?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Local Battlefield


"Tapi kenangan yang gue lewatin menjelang,
selama dan pasca Lebaran nya itu tuh..."

Yes! Menindaklanjuti quote gue itu, gue masih punya satu cerita yang macho banget buat dibagi. Anyway, it's macho like literally.

Gue kan mudik ke Cirebon. Selesai dari kota gersang nan panas membara itu, keluarga gue sama sepupu gue mau lanjut ke Bandung. Emang dadakan sih, dan mental juga udah siap kalo gak dapet hotel. Jadi daripada berharap banyak, rencana kita di Bandung paling cuma nongkrong bentar trus caw.

Nah di perjalanan, di daerah Tomo, mobil menepi di swalayan. Pengen nambah stok cemilan sama minuman gituloooh. Jadi gue, adek gue yang gede sama bokap turun buat belanja belanji. Gak lama, sepupu gue nyusul buat laporan kalo ternyata mobil kita 'dicium' sama mobil sebelah yang baru mau mundur.

Situasi mulai memanas. Sepupu gue gak terima, dia udah minta ganti rugi -padahal nih ya, mobil gue kagak lecet samsek- plus nyita STNK plus ngajakin hengot di kantor polisi terdekat. Si sopir udah pasrah aja gitu, mau dipukul juga silahkeun. Nah disini nih, mulai deh warga sekitar yang kepo dan sok ikut campur berdatangan.

Ada nih satu bocah berbaju putih -yang selanjutnya akan disebut dengan istilah 'tengil'- yang emang tengil banget. Bukan siapa-siapa tapi sok ngatur. Nah sepupu gue yang emang lagi emosi, gak suka nih ama tingkah si tengil. Jadilah kita yang tadinya udah siap meluncur ke kantor polisi, berenti lagi dan sepupu gue turun nyamperin si tengil dan langsung dijotos men!

Gue udah susah payah nih cuy ngelerai mereka, eh adek gue yang gede tiba-tiba udah muncul aja di arena pertarungan, pukul-pukulan sama si tengil. Ketika lagi sibuk melerai adek gue dan si tengil, dari kejauhan terdengar lagi keramaian yang baru. Ternyata adek gue yang cilik lagi gebuk-gebukan sama seorang bapak dongo berbaju biru yang beraninya ama bocah.

Wah gela seru parah. Gue udah narik sepupu gue balik ke mobil, trus lari buat narik adek gue, eh sepupu gue mulai berantem lagi. Gue narik adek gue yang gede, eh adek gue yang kecil turun lagi. Gitu-gitu aja mulu cem ngangon anak ayam. Mana mereka kebon binatangnya keluar semua kan. Untung gue imbangi dengan menyebut nama Allah supaya kami semua dilindungi dan pertengkaran itu diridhoi.

Yang kubu sananya juga makin riuh. Udah sampe ambil batu segala kan. Untung dari merekanya juga ada yang ngelerai, semacem gue nya gitu. Sampe akhirnya adek-adek gue udah pada masuk, nyokap turun dan sepupu gue ditampar baru selesai semuanya. Maap-maapan dulu, minal aidin abis lebaran trus STNK si sopir -sumpah ye, dia yang salah nyerempet mobil kita malah dianya yang sehat wal afiat kagak ikutan berantem- dibalikin dan kita melipir pergi sebelum itu warga manggilin konco-konconya.

Ahhhh gak nyangka adek-adek gue petakilan begitu. Kalo gue kena pukul, mungkin gue bakal ikutan. Tapi gue anaknya gaenakan sih. Sebenernya mau-mau aja gue ikutan berantem, tapi gimana ya, ngeliat tiga sodara gue itu udah turun tangan, kalo gue ikut-ikutan kan kasian bokap kerjaannya banyak fuufufu. Sumpah itu bukan alesan doang yeeee.

Yassalaam, jadi banyak banget kan tulisannya. Semoga dibaca deh ya, gue sendiri bingung gimana cara motong ceritanya biar gak jadi tulisan semua. Tapi ini udah summary nya banget kok, kalo dijabarin ampe detil bisa meledak blog gue.

The thing is, now I know that my brothers are worth to be counted on.
Yea yea, know I'm the eldest but so what if I have 'em got my back?

Nothing wrong, eh?

Something to be Grateful About

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Lebaran nya sih emang udah lewat seminggu. Tapi kenangan yang gue lewatin menjelang, selama dan pasca Lebaran nya itu tuh... Ih kalo gue bikin buku langsung ludes kali tuh dalam itungan detik fuuufufufu lebay deh mulai.

Oke, speaking of Lebaran, pasti dimulai dari malam takbiran. Jujur, selama 20 tahun 5 bulan 18 hari gue hidup, gapernah sekalipun yang namanya gue bermalam takbiran diluar rumah, keliling komplek atau arak-arakan sambil meneriakkan asma asma Allah.

Apalagi sama temen. Temen SMA.
Most of which I hadn't met for a long time.

Jadilah kemaren gue bertakbiran ria bareng Werdhi, Ocit, Fani sama Capung. Karena gajelas mau kemana, akhirnya kita memutuskan buat jemput Muthe di bandara. And guess what. Kita pun takbirannya di jalan tol. Buka kaca rame-rame, teriak-teriak mengumandangkan kebesaran nama Allah di jalanan yang semestinya gak ada suara manusianya.

Gak di tol aja, pas lagi padat merayap di daerah Kalimalang pun, we did just the same. Rombongan anak-anak ucul yang naik mobil pikep aja sampe kalah pamor sama suara mahadahsat kita berenam.

Seru banget ya Tuhan. Gue sampe menitikan air mata karena akhirnya bisa dengan lantang memanggil-manggil nama-Nya -padahal sebenernya nangis karena mata ketiup angin saking kencengnya itu mobil gerak di jalan tol- bersama teman-teman tersayang.

Dan asiknya ngumpul sama temen-temen adalah, gak peduli besoknya mau ada momen fitrah bermaaf-maafan, tetep aja itu mobil isinya cela-celaan satu sama lain. Hmm gak satu sama lain sih, cuma satu orang aja yang dicela fuuuufufufufuu.

Too bad we didn't take any pictures.
But yea who cares, I captured the moment mentally.
And cherish them wholeheartedly

P.S. : Hari itu juga terakhir gue ketemu sama Werdhi karena beberapa hari setelahnya, dia pindah ke Semarang. Hmm... Our circle would be awkward without him nearby ._. Ah well, goodluck pal :')

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More to Come


Gosh I've been so harsh to this blog. August almost ends but can you feel it? No sparks at all in this month.

So now that I'm on my grandpa's house, got a wi-fi access and blogger app on my phone, and have a spare time while umm you know, dealing with the toilet, I'm listing down some posts I'd like to publish soon after I reach home:

1. My Internship Last Day
I was too busy preparing the Eid that I really had no time thinkin about this. And since I have no photos of my co-workers and bosses, I'll post this soon after I get back there.

2. My Very First 'Takbiran' With Highschool Fellows
This one was quiet random, can't wait to tell. Kidding, it's finished! Click here.

3. The Local Battlefield
And this, was on top of all! Just write the title makes me on fire already. So I guess I'm gonna use it as the post title.

4. My Recent Future-Money-Maker
I'm currently involved to something. It's so exciting because it could be my source of income soon when I'm tired of working for someone else's company. Tell ya more here.

5. Miscellaneous
Like the BSO fourth project -which deadline was August 18, I don't know whether I'm forgiven or not- then the female singers I've been recently flinging to, and also about Schnauzer dogs.

Cool, eh? Lots of things to tell. And I hope it'll all be finished before September comes.

You know what, I ran out of poop.
Time to flush goodbye!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Note Seven: Best Decision Ever

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Day Thirty Nine

It's been two weeks since the last time I posted about my internship journal. Now in this eighth week, gotta tell ya, I had gone through so many things I never even thought about before.

And yes, those things, are the best path I've ever taken.
With my own consideration. My own effort. My own courage.

You remember about my decision to take the first offer as the apprentice of Public Relation? I appreciate myself for my bravery. Though I have no idea at all about that field, I kept doing what I had planned. So as the reward, I sort of knew a little bit about PR. And better yet, I met some new best buddies.
So joining the PR army, was the best option I made

You also remember about my decision to move to MarComm? That was on top of all. No regrets at all. I don't have to tell you every single detail of it. Too many lovable things to be shared.
So moving to MarComm, was the best choice I picked

Then you remember about my decision to extend my internship period, eh? I was so right about that. The only project I handled from the scratch wasn't close enough to the end, when I was still on my old time plan. Now that I extended it, I can have it finished right several days before I say bye-bye to everyone.

Aside from that portfolio thingy, last Thursday and Friday, the last two days I actually had if I stick with my previous timeline, were the worst days ever. I couldn't imagine if I have to end my internship facing those days...

Hell yes. I went through some bad days along my extension. I was there when my bosses were busy with themselves, when my fellow apprentice were a bit more popular than me, when I was absolutely stuck by the bottom of the wheel. This was priceless, the lesson I earned.
So prolonging my internship period, was the best deal I took

Therefore I suppose you remember about my decision to fight against the new apprentice? No doubt, I shouldn't not do that. Now I know a bit about her capability, and the fact that her strengths aren't something I have to be jealous about. We're good in our way, in our own skills.
So facing the rival of mine, was the bravest thing I did

Five more days 'till I packed my stuff out of that office. I'm not feeling well, actually. I mean, my emotions are blending. I even sense that this post is dull -with most word selections are common and cliche.

But the thing is, I win this game.
I beat my own laziness, unlock some cool potentials I never knew I had.

Now you remember about my decision to pass my holiday
And take a long long long internship program instead?
Well, this was better than having a vacation.

So accepting the challenge of apprentice,
Was the best decision ever

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tribute Number Two

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Gatau kenapa hasrat ngeblog gue ngedrop beberapa hari belakangan. Liat aja noh Agustus masih kosong, ini postingan pertama... Well yea, mungkin karena pengaruh kantor kali ya. Setelah photo session Rabu kemaren, kinerja gue agak mengendor karena tugas-tugas mulai menipis. Mood gue pun amburadul.

But that's just passed. Mulai hari ini gue kembali bergairah. Pak Matthew mulai ngelibatin gue di hal-hal yang doi tanganin dan gue pun mulai merasa nyaman kembali. So that's why I'm back on blogging.


Inget kan kalo di beberapa post sebelumnya gue bilang kalo BCA ngadain satu lomba lagi? Nah nama lombanya adalah "KlikPay Video Testimony"

Jadi nih jadi, tugas kalian itu adalah bikin video rekomendasi soal kado apa yang bisa dikasih si tokoh itu buat pacarnya yang mau ulangtaun. Nah kadonya itu mesti berasal dari merchant yang kerjasama sama produk KlikPay BCA. Nah bagian 'testimony' nya itu adalah pas di akhir video, kalian mesti ngasih semacam review atau pesan kesan menggunakan fasilitas KlikPay BCA.

Ribet? Ih nggak kalee, kalo hadiahnya sebanyak itu, disuruh bikin video doang mah cemeeeeeeeeen. Teknis bla bla bla nya mending kalian langsung dateng kesini trus klik tab aplikasinya.

Gue udah bilang kaaan, gue ngepost beginian bukan karena pengen promosiin lombanya. Ambassador nya aja, jujur, gue gak ngefans. Pas shooting video di tempat kerjanya aja gue sama sekali gak excited ngeliat wujudnya haha. No offence nih ya, bagi kalian yang suka sama dia.

This is just another form of appreciation.
I don't care whether you join the competition or what,
But the point is, I'm lovin my bosses