Saturday, December 31, 2011

So Long, Most Worstest One


Tinggal 12 jam menuju tahun baru, dan gue masih belom punya rencana kemana-mana. Bukan gak ada rencana, banyak sebenernya. Tapi gatau lah kayaknya taun ini emang diset jadi taun terburuk gue deh.

Jadi temen gue anak JIC ngajak ke Bogor, tapi gajadi karena satu dan lain hal. Temen-temen SMA ngajak bakar-bakaran tapi ujung-ujungnya banyak yang gabisa. Bang Nino ngajak ke P. Pramuka 3 hari 2 malem dengan transport plus tempat nginep cuma 350 rebu, berangkat tudey pulang tanggal 2 tapi lo tau kan tanggal 2 ada apa teman teman sekalian??


Yaudahlah ya, 2011 tinggal satu hari ini aja kok. Liat sisi positifnya, gue jadi bisa taun baruan cuma bertigaan sama bonyok haha azeklah jadi anak emas nih gue.

Pasti Allah nyiapin kejutan yang besar banget deh buat gue di 2012

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Spontaneous, Mood-Swinger Mr WorldGig

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Kalian ngerti nggak seberapa ngefansnya gue sama penyanyi rapper gila asal Cuba yang satu ini?? Yaa, gak fanatik banget sih tapi parah gue pengen banget bisa nonton dia live.


Udah dari bulan Juli gue tau kalo dia mau dateng, dari yang awalnya mau di Balai Kartini, ke Istora sampe akhirnya jadinya di Tennis Indoor. Dan Juli itu kan gue baru pulang dari Bali, lagu doi masih nempel parah di kuping gue jadinya gue mau banget banget bangetan nonton.

Tapi ngeliat harga tiketnya, gue pun ciut. Uang baru aja dipake buat The Script dan gue juga mau nonton Foster The People -mumpung harganya masih jauh lebih terjangkau. Nah jadilah gue kubur dalam-dalam harapan bertemu si botak.


Sunday, December 4
Tiba-tiba temen gue ada yang nawarin tiket Pitbull. 800 ribu dapet dua, dan itu FESTIVAL. Pengen kayang gak sih dengernya? Harga aslinya tuh satunya 935, kalo gue beli dari temen gue itu dan satu tiketnya gue jual pake harga asli, dengan kata lain gue dapet untung 100 ribuan dan bisa nonton Pitbull secara cuma-cuma!!! Mungkin gak gue tolak tawaran doi?

tapi lagi...

Monday, December 5
Ternyata ada yang nawar tiketnya dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi. Temen gue bilang masih belum fix dibeli sih, tapi seharian gue udah leye-leye aje, berasa nungguin istri lahiran. Udah gue minta doa sana sini biar berhasil dan malemnya pas gue telpon... Yeayyy, udah kejual :')


Tuesday, December 6
Ini KIAMAT buat gue. Lo harus tau gue udah download banyak lagu Pitbull buat dipelajarin, gue udah ngeliat blueprint Tennis Indoor dan nyusun strategi mau nonton dari mana, tapi semuanya sia-sia. Dan hari itu semua orang nanya-nanya, "Pitbull tuh hari ini kan ya?" atau "Vik lo gajadi nonton Pitbull?" dan bahkan si Izzat sama Sizi nonton!! Shit man, shit! Persis banget sama pas Bruno Mars.

tapi tunggu...

Tuesday, December 6, 05:30 PM
Gue dan beberapa temen laknat gue lagi jaga stand CommUI Cup sambil ketawa-ketawa, berusaha ngelupain kegetiran hidup. Tiba-tiba Eda nyeletuk, "Vik gue mau nunjukin sesuatu tapi plis jangan banting hapenya ya..." dan gue baca apa yang dia tunjukkin. Ternyata si Dea punya TIKET GRATIS PITBULL DARI DETIKCOM DAN GAK ADA ORANG YANG NGAMBIL. Kaki udah lemes kan nih, kayak gada tulangnya gitu. Ah langsung lah itu bocah satu gue telpon, tapi... Ternyata yang punya tiket stand by di kantor cuma sampe jam 5. Gue pun leye-leye lagi.

ehm, belum selesai...

Tuesday, December 6, 05:35 PM
Udah desperate parah nih ceritanya. iPod Icha gue pasang lagunya Pitbull, berusaha menghibur diri dengan mendatangkan suasanya yang sejatinya hampir serupa dengan Tennis Indoor :') dan gak lama Dea nelpon Eda, dan langsung dioper ke gue...

Bayangin deh. lo lulus UAN, keluarga seneng-seneng kan, ngajak makan malem deh. Pas lagi di restoran lo dapet kabar lolos SIMAK. Kebelet pulang gak sih? Nah pas otw tempat parkiran ada talent scout nawarin lo ikut casting yang kemungkinan lolosnya tuh kayak ampe 90% gitu.

Nah itu perasaan gue pas Dea nelpon dan ngasitau kalo tiketnya masih bisa diambil. Tapi resikonya, gue bakal telat masuk venue karena open gate itu jam setengah 7.

Peduli gak sih? Bisa dateng aja gue udah sukur, dapet paling belakang asal kepala kinclong ama kacamata si Pitbull keliatan mah gue udah juga seneng.

Akhirnya gue lari ninggalin semua kenyataan. Literally lari. Dari kampus ke kosan. Ambil uang, ambil baju, ambil parfum, langsung caw naik taksi ke kantor detikcom di Pejaten. Sebenernya hati udah chaos banget tuh, tapi untung sopirnya bapak-bapak ramah gitu, pinter nyari jalan pintas pula haha the best deh lau, PakDang -nama bapaknya Dadang, serius.

Keluar dari kantor gue pandangin tuh tiket penuh kemenangan, gue foto, gue tweet dan gue baru menyadari kalo tiket itu adalah... FESTIVAL!! *sembah Allah* Dari sono pake taksi yang sama gue langsung ke Senayan. Beneran deh Allah lagi sayang banget sama gue hari itu, gak macet sama sekali cuuuuuyyy.

Nyampe Tennis Indoor jam setengah tujuh lewat dan gate belom dibuka HAHA untuk kali ini gue cinta sama kebiasaan ngaret orang Indonesia. Setelah ngantri cukup lama, akhirnya gue sampe di dalem jam delapan kurang. Masih opening kan, yaaa kalem aja deh gue.

Melihat sekeliling, gue membatin. Kayaknya semua kesitu sama temen atau siapapun lah, gak sendirian. Sedangkan gue? Berasa ansos, bawa-bawa ransel pula cem teroris. Tapi bodo deh, yang penting gue nonton. Posisi bener-bener di tengah, diitung dari sudut koordinat manapun. Pol banget deh hokinya.

Jam sembilan lewat baru mulai. Ini air mata rasanya mau tumpah ngeliat rapper idola gue muncul di panggung. Gue yang tadinya diem kayak siput langsung liar pecicilan macem gajah kena tombak. Orang-orang sekitar udah risih tuh gue yakin, "Ini apa coba bocah sendirian kagak punya temen tapi joget-joget tereak-tereak berasa satu Tennis Indoor kenal sama doi," tapi siapa peduli woy?? SIAPA??

Etapi bener-bener ya artis tenar kalo udah sukses tuh pelitnyaa naujubile. Dateng gapake surprise apa-apa, langsung nyanyi bet bet bet tiga lagu sekaligus baru berenti. Basa-basi muji-muji Jakarta, nyanyi lagi sepotong, ganti lagu lain sepotong, ganti lagiiii gitu-gitu terus ampe akhirnya terakhir Give Me Everything full, trus doi keluar. Total kira kira cuma 45-50 menitan.

Yasudah apa daya, ternyata beneran cuma sebentar. padahal udah ditereakin "We want more, we want more" tapi gak keluar-keluar juga. Yowis, gak berapa lama ladang menyepi, gue pun melipir ke pager, menjalankan misi yang sama seperti The Script kemaren: 'berkebun'. Setelah perjuangan minta botol air bekas Pitbull yang dikasih ke orang tepat di sebelah gue, setelah rebutan selampe sama ratusan angry mob dan gagal, akhirnya yang gue dapet cuma kisi kisi lagu lagi :')

Udah, abis itu gue nyerah. Keluar Tennis Indoor, naik taksi -lagi-lagi sopirnya asik, abang Batak gitu, gaul masih kuliah dan doyan nonton konser juga- depan FX trus pulang ke rumah dengan indahnya. Puas? P-A-R-A-H. Dengan 150rb rupiah untuk ongkos Depok - Pejaten - Senayan - Kelapa Gading saja, gue udah bisa nonton Pitbull yang harga tiketnya hampir sejuta

Gangerti lagi harus bersyukur kayak apa ya Allah...
Dan thanks banget buat Dea, sumpah lo emang emang emangggg!!!

Aaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh, I knew I would made it!!
So satisfied I finally fulfill my rap-along-with-Pitbull passion.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Am I Changing Or Is This A Drop of Heaven?

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Gue ini bukan pecinta kopi. Serius, kalo bukan karena fungsinya yang bisa bikin mata melek, gue sama sekali gabakal nyentuh minuman biji itu.


Pada natal tahun ini, tahun 2011 yang menyebalkan ini, Starbucks ngeluarin benda ngaco ini

Dan gue suka. Banget. Gatau kenapa. Biasanya kalo ngelipir ke Starbucks paling gajauh-jauh dari cokelat atau green tea things. Mungkin karena keluaran yang ini emang enak-enak kali ya. Eh tapi nggak juga sih. Gue udah ngerasain dua temennya yang lain, dan tetep gak doyan.

Kayaknya dipelet deh.
Tapi gapapa sih, selama enak.
Asal gak ketagihan aja tapi ya.
So please just be nice, caffeine

Monday, November 28, 2011

Let Us Know, Let Us Help


Whoever you are, you own them.

Especially people your age. Teenagers. Somehow unstable, curious and a bit silly. You guys can't stop to taste new things and along the way, choices appear. But no matter good or bad, big or small, easy or complicated... You have rights to choose and rights to obtain respects from others.

But how, if what you choose, is something sensitive? Something that most societies around you are against about. Something big, and different, that if anybody else ever know about that, feels like world collapses. Something... wrong...

Well then came another choice; choice to conceal what you chose. You hide everything. From your parents, your best buddies, your teachers, everybody. Literally everybody. You think that you better keep your mouth shut instead of being stranded by others.

So there you go. Living the fake life. You smile a lot, whereas inside, you can't run from anxiety. You act like everything's just fine, but inside, you're so not good. You feel stressed, and fed up, but... there is no way you're going to mention a single thing about who you are.

Everything are just lies and pretense. Full of drama. Like when you turn on your television, and you found out some corny TV series aired every night. Yes, that drama. Difficult, and seem to have never-ending troubles, but lame.

Why lame? Why should hiding things be lame?

Because you're all alone. You have nobody to share, nobody to run to when you're down. Even your most trustworthy person.

You're just too young. Too scared to face the incoming responses right after you tell people the truth. About how they are going to react. How they are going to treat you. How their respects and feelings toward you are going to change, significantly.

No. You won't live such miserable life, will you?

Then confess. Well it sounds harder that just saying that, but... give it a shot, pals. You have no idea of which life yours would be, better or worse, until you try coming out and let people around you know who you are.

The beginning will never be as easy as blinking eyes. Every nightmare you've been worrying about could probably happen. But keep in mind, friend, that they love you. Your friends love you, your family loves you, your parents love you. They might be hard to you at first, but sooner or later they'll get any soften. They'll approach you. They'll help.

The thing is, you start first. How can you expect people around you got your back, when they have no idea about how you doing? Don't bother thinking about who will going to leave you. Try to think about who will be staying by your side after you come out.

At least you can discover which friends are friends, and which friends are just 'friends'. Your real comrades will be there for you, lighten your burden by the vast access to share. You will be no longer on your own.

Also consider about your health. This is somewhat vital. If you just keep it yourself, then face this, you'll feel the suffer all yourself too. No matter how well you know about the virus and how slick you are to hide your pain, you still need professional touches of healthcare and social services. Think about it well.

After all, you need support. You're just too green to experience this. Too early, too fast. You might know nothing about how to deal with this. But maybe your parents know. Maybe your friends are experts in this. Or maybe your little brother are much more knowledgeable than you. Everybody could possibly help you. You just don't know.

I know it's difficult. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. I know how hard it is, struggling and surviving for your own good. I know how worrying it is, when people come and touch even the outermost layer of your secret. I know how shattering it is, when people make fun of the thing they have no idea that you are actually belong to. I know. I'm quiet familiar with that.

I made this by myself, what do you think?

What I don't know is, which way you will take. It's now back to you, everything. Whether you want to tell the world, or some people, or just keep silent maybe? Your choice.

Just remember a thing.
You have a future, a bright future.
You have more things to be considered about.
So save your teenage dream, save yourself.

P.S. : so this writing was made to be contested. i lost, but somehow i love the post and therefore... i just let it stay here ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Isn't It A Week of Support

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setuju gak sih? awal minggu, gue lupa hari apa, ada final beregu bulutangkis putra Indonesia vs Malaysia yang ng-gereget-in banget karena kemarennya di partai yang sama buat putri, Indonesia harus kalah dari Thailand

dan meski lagi di kosan, gue bela belain turun ke ruang tamu, gabung sama orang orang yang lagi nyiapin diri buat presentasi ketua BEM, cuma buat nonton mereka yang alhamdulillah menang

trus beberapa hari kemudian Indonesia ketemu Malaysia lagi di pertandingan terakhir grup A bola U-23, yang sebenernya gak krusial banget gara gara dua duanya fix lanjut ke knock out. yaaa walopun kalah tapi seneng gak sih kalian liat pelatih Malaysia diusir keluar lapangan??

dan kemaren, bagi gue, adalah puncak segala dukungan.

Badminton Singles, Final Round
Senayan Sport Complex
Saturday, November 19th 2011

parah. gue naik busway (again, as i did last week) ke Gelora Bung Karno dengan indahnya tanpa suatu hambatan berarti dan sampe sana jam 12. ketemu ichoy trus beli tiket di tribun A6 yang agaknya sedikit condong ke dalam dan setara dengan kursi VIP. emang pinter ini bocah satu dalam mengakali keterbatasan dana

jam setengah 1 udah di depan pintu, gabung ama jutaan orang lainnya yang udah siap siaga disono biar dapet tempat terajib. jam 1 orangnya dateng, buka pintu daaaaaann... yiha, macem bagi bagi daging kurban. isinya orang kesakitan minta tolong sama marah marah gara gara didorong. posisi badan gue dong yang paling asik, melengkung sodara sodara macem sedotan. mana stuck gara gara depan belakang memberi tekanan pula kan. tapi seru banget gila haha

gue masuk duluan, ninggalin ichoy sama ocit yang masih berjibaku di belakang. bodo ah, langsung aja gue lari ke dalem nyari spot yang masih kosong. yasudah duduklah kita di tengah tengah dan itu cukup strategis

jam 2, baru deh dimulai. dibuka sama tari jaipong plus basa basi MC, gak lama masuk deh dua pasang ganda putri Indonesia

All Indonesian Final, Anneke/Nitya vs Nadya Melati/Vita Marissa. gue kira ini bakal garing karena gada perjuangan ngedukungnya kan, eh ternyata... serunya gak ketulungan. udah gak jelas deh gue dukung siapa

sama juga pas Bona/Ahsan vs Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan. ah gile berasa nonton tinju. apalagi pas udah selesai. tuh atlet pada ngelempar macem macem kan. gue udah lari larian turun ampe maju ke pager, eh malah dilempar ke belakang. becanda kan

pertandingan ke-3, ini dia baru dimulai dukungan. Firdasari lawan Fu Mingtian dari Singapura. paling asik sih ngecengin supporter mereka. udah bawel bekoar koar pas di-woo-in trus kuncup macem kura kura masuk cangkang. tapi sayang, Firdasarinya atit. menang deh si Mingtian. tapi inget, udah sakit pun masih rubber set, dan deuce pula!! gila kan emang

next was mixed doubles Owi/Butet vs Thailand (males search namanya) and they were above the wind. menang gampang tapi tetep... jangan jumawa. yang seru, supporter Thailand kan bawa bedug. pas mereka lagi maen, supporter Indonesia -yang emang dasarnya bangsat, tukang ngecengin dan bacot- malah nyanyi "sauuur, saur..." tai semuanya, tai! tapi tetep luvley :">

nah terakhir baru deh Simon Santoso lawan Tanongsak Saensomb dari Thailand. ini baru klimaks. tenaga gue emang selalu abis buat singles. set pertama menang mudah, set kedua kumat, set ketiga baru deh mati matian

alhamdulillah menang banyak. empat kali nyanyi Indonesia Raya dari lima partai? sekarang dada gue sakit kalo batuk atau ketawa. tapi yaaa gila lo kapan lagi boy nonton badminton live

pulangnya pengen berburu foto dulu, tapi karena kelamaan dan udah gerimis, kita pun bubaran. gue ke FX ketemu bang ryo, makan makan lucu dulu trus pulang naik busway

nah disini deh nih gue baru sadar kalo rakyat Indonesia udah ketemu begini-beginian, apapun rela mereka kerjain. jadi gue pulang berbarengan dengan bubarnya pertandingan semifinal bola U-23 Indonesia lawan Vietnam. sumpah ya itu halte busway penuhnya bukan main. isinya merah semua dan gue yakin malingnya ada dimana mana

bangga? ya, banget. walopun gue yakin setelah Sea Games ini semuanya jadi sebodo amet lagi ama Indonesia, tapi paling nggak ada satu wadah yang bikin kita jadi nyatu begini kan?

yea, whatever...
I still belong to you, RedWhite

Monday, November 14, 2011

Espouse Our Blood, Support Our Bones

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hey there again haha gatau kenapa nih gue lagi cinta banget sama blog gue. bagus sih, jadinya bentar bentar mau balik, bentar bentar klik 'new post' trus bentar bentar publish post baru dan bentar bentar blog gue banyak yang datengin kan haha

the point is, my lust in blogging is on a blast! yea, it is as burning as the passion of all the people of Indonesia in supporting their country in 26th SEA GAMES INDONESIA 2011

apalagi di sepak bola. U-23 nya lagi jadi favorit semua orang. macho banget ye gak sih? Kamboja digencet, Singapura terlibas, Thailand minta ampun... tapi jangan jumawa wey, inget di atas langit masih ada langit. apalagi abis ini mau lawan Malaysia. gak gampang tuh. ya pokoke rakyat Indonesia lagi dalam masa gembira-gembiranya deh

dan kemaren pas gue ke GBK nontonin Indonesia-Thailand, gue mempelajari beberapa sifat unik supporter Indonesia yang mungkin sih -mungkin loh ya, bukannya gue sok tau- gak ditemuin di supporter dari negara lain

Roar of a Lion, Power of an Ape
ngerti kan gimana bacotnya orang Indonesia pas lagi dukung timnas? apalagi kalo mereka lagi di GBK, satu satunya wadah dimana air horn yang laknat itu bisa berkumandang dimana mana? belum lagi pas gol. itu pager pembatas udah macem climbing wall, dikerubutin semua orang yang lagi kegirangan sambil tereak tereak... bukan main yah orang Indonesia itu

Easily Excited
bukan cuma gampang seneng dan gampang cinta kalo pas timnas lagi main oke aja, tapi juga di moment moment lain. kayak moment masuk tipi. kalo mungkenye tiba tiba muncul di layar stadion, nah kaaaaaan senengnya berasa dapet hadiah umroh. tapi lucu sih ini, apalagi kalo lagi nonton langsung di GBK. deg degan gimanaaa gitu takut tiba tiba mungke gue yang muncul di layar *pede*

True Grudge Holder
kalo udah ngubungin supporter Indonesia sama 'grudge', udah pasti muncul Malaysia sebagai hasilnya. ini udah akut banget loh. kemaren pas Malaysia-Kamboja di GBK, itu tuh berasa lagi Malaysia-Indonesia karena satu stadion ngedukung Kamboja. emang deh ye tetangga kita yang satu itu udah keterlaluan sih, jadi digituin kan sama kita

Corny Moral
nah yang ini nih yang gue gasuka. parah kampungannya. siapapun lawannya, dimanapun mereka berada, selama disana ada supporter Indonesianya, pasti kedengeran suara "huuuu" gak sopan gitu deh. benci banget sumpah. inget gak dulu pas WCSA2010, siapapun yang main, kalo udah saatnya national anthem, pasti semua orang diem. bahkan di layar muncul tulisan "please quiet" atau apalah itu sejenisnya. lah kalo disini? jangan harep

suka gasuka, itulah rakyat Indonesia. mau gue ikut ikutan atau nggak, orang luar ngeliatnya gue sama aja; banyak bacot juga, pendendam juga, norak juga...

tapi gue sayang banget sama supporter Indonesia. gatau kenapa kalo udah ngedemprok jadi satu gitu jadi berasa kenal ama semuanya, jadi kerasa banget kalo kita itu satu negara. coba kalo lagi di tempat lain. lewat yaudah lewat aja, ada yang kenapa napa juga yaudah bodo amet

alright, enough for today
just please, don't stop supporting
but please, mind your manner as well
and please, be the winner

Sunday, November 13, 2011

For The First Time, A Gig!!


Jadi semua bermula dari rumah jam 1, naik busway, dempeti-dempetan dan panas-panasan penuh perjuangan ke rumah Dindut. Sampe sana udah jam 3, gue udah kayak Dead Man Walking.

Gapake istirahat gue langsung nyetir ke Central Park. Untung di mobil ada hiburan. Jadilah kami semua warm up dulu dengerin lagu-lagunya The Script, sambil siapin kebetan sama kisi-kisi berupa lirik sama playlist lagu yang kira-kira bakal muncul nanti.

Jam 6 udah ngedemprok di Pullman Ballrom bareng 4 ribuan manusia lainnya. Pas pintu dibuka, hemm... chaos lah ya pastinya. Pintu yang gue antriin stuck gatau kenapa. Sedangkan dua pintu sisanya udah terbuka lebar bagai pintu surga.

Jadilah kami merubah haluan. Gue udah gak peduli lagi langsung semua gue hantam, I'm a Man Who Can't Be Moved and everything around me were just Nothing. Tubuh gue yang tipis dan selincah kijang ini menembus riuhnya angry mob dan gue langsung dapet spot di tengah ballroom. Mayan lah.

Tapi yang bikin mpet, acara baru mulai jam 8. Itu juga baru basa-basi doang, opening dari Mike's sama Groovyland (yang menurut gue sih lumayan bagus, tapi karena mereka bawa lagu ampe 7 biji, orang-orang udah keburu demek... Kasian sih tapi liat mereka di-huuu-in) sama aduh apa ya itu satu lagi gue lupa namanya. Kaki udah leye-leye rasanya, You Won't Feel a Thing about your feet.

Pokoknya lama banget gila ampe akhirnya jam setengah 10, Before The Worst happened, they got up on stage and...

We Cry. Histeris. Ya, reaksi semua orang termasuk gue. Akhirnya gue bisa juga nonton apa yang gue mau setelah keabisan Maroon 5 sama gagal dengan manisnya pas Bruno Mars :')

Bang Danny, bang Mark ama bang Glen... Mereka semangat banget performnya. Kite sekampung ditweet pic pula hahaha. Mereka bawain 13 lagu. 4 dengan lancar gue nyanyiin tereak-tereak meski agak tone deaf, 6 gak apal sambil open source, 3 sisanya baru tau hari itu juga hehe.

picture belongs to @thescript, captured by Mark

Tapi gila lah. Kaco kaco kaco! Gue ampe bingung mau jelasin disininya kayak gimana. Yang pasti gue makin ngefans sama mereka yihaa!!

Tuntas acara, gue ngegembel dulu di depan stage. Tiap ada mas mas deketin pager, langsung datengin. Orang-orang dapet pick gitar, stick drum, selampe si Danny, kaos, lah gue cuma dapet kisi-kisi konser. Udah kayak orang dongo pas berebutan kertas, gue kira isi tanda tangan gitu kan. Gataunya... Haha yaa gapapa lah buat kenang-kenangan. But note this, The Script! If You Ever Come Back, i'll be getting more than just a piece of paper of your playlist!

Out of Central Park, it was not The End for me. Gue didrop di Sizzler deket GI trus... Lanjutin malmingan bareng some other friends HAHAHA mumpung lagi gak dicariin cuuy.

Okay, so in conclusion...

After all the struggle, all the waiting,
And all the standing for that long,
When i finished watching you guys,
I call it Breakeven

P.S. : tadi pagi gue liat siapa lah artis gajelas ngewawancarain The Script di tivi. agak pengen nimpuk sih sebenernya, tapi gue langsung inget perkataan Devina kalo kita harus sportif :')

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So Close

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November 11th 2011 has passed
if you noticed, it should be the day when the voting for New 7 Wonders of Nature candidates closed

okay so Amazon of Brazil, Puerto Princesa Underground River of Philippines, Jeju Island of South Korea, Iguazu Falls of Argentina and Brazil, Halong Bay of Vietnam, along with the Table Mountain of South Africa are the six of the seven winners (stated in random order, not based on the rank achieved)

and now, how is it going for our Komodo Island?

praise the lord, we won the place. but wait, don't get too excited. as the official website announce, those seven candidates are still temporary

"... It is possible that there will be changes between the above provisional winners and the eventual finally confirmed winners." (

so, just wait and be patient then
early of 2012 is just one or two months away
let's keep praying for these lizards

hang in there, Lizzie
we know, we will win this

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mid Term Bless

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Yuuhuuuuuuuu, UTS semester 3 dengan resmi saya nyatakan selesai!
Hmm, belum sih masih ada 1 take home tapi ya... yaudah deh...

Bener-bener deh ya, di semester ini gue baru ngerasain betapa indahnya jadi anak iklan. Ngeliat keadaan sekitar yang chaos banget ngadepin ujian mereka, ngapalin ini itu, email sana sini ngumpulin bahan ujian, baju ke kelas harus rapih, bla bla bla, gue makin bersyukur aja dahh.

Gimana nggak, semester ini gue ambil 8 mata kuliah. Sebelum minggu pertama UTS, yang gue tau itu seperti ini susunan dan sistematikanya:
2 matkul open book, 2 take home, 1 common sense, 3 sisanya baru ujian sebagaimana mestinya
Tapi pas hari pertama aja, ujian Asas-Asas Manejemen, pas udah duduk manis di kelas sambil resah gelisah karena belum belajar dengan baik dan benar, dosennya bilang kalo ujian dia open book. Oke. Seisi kelas langsung meriah cem taun baru di tempat konser.

So, 3 matkul open book, 2 take home, 1 common sense, 2 sisanya baru ujian sebagaimana mestinya
Nah seminggu kemudian, sehari sebelum UTS Teknik Penulisan Efektif, gue dapet kabar dari temen gue kalo ujiannya open book juga. Pengen kayang gak sih lu dengernya, mana waktu itu hari Minggu pula. Yaudeh makin ongkang-ongkang kaki aja gua.
Berubah lagi dong komposisinya, jadi 4 matkul open book, 2 take home, 1 common sense dan 1 sisanya baru ujian sebagaimana mestinya
Dan hari ini, hari dimana seharusnya ada UTS Media dan Pemasaran Interaktif common sense dan UTS Analisis Konsumen yang beneran UTS, gue dapet kabar gembira lagi nih bahwa selain common sense, MPI boleh open source!! Dan Analkon ternyata gapake ujian-ujianan, tapi cuma ngumpulin tugas mingguan!!

Yaudah, intinya, 5 matkul open book, 3 take home dan gak ada ujian yang sebagaimana mestinya


Saturday, November 5, 2011


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So it's November already.
And my blog hasn't found its former passion, eh?

3 posts on August,
2 posts on September and
An only post on October

What? Will it be zero this month?
Well if i didn't write this junk post, at least until today IT IS zero.

Really, something is wrong.
I lost much about some of my passion.
In writing, in college, in life.

Somebody please,
I need to escape.
Like right now.
Help me

Friday, October 7, 2011

Goodbye, Fantasy Builder

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It's finally over, his suffering.
The whole world is mourning.
They keep appreciating what he had done.

A phenomenal piece of fruit.
As breathtaking as Adam's and Newton's.
Yes, it's Apple.

I praise what he invented, indeed.
But there's one thing that I'm massively sad of.
Not his iPad, not his iPhone, not his iMac.
But his Pixar.

I've been a loyal audience of Pixar since their first movie.
And from those movies, I learned a lot.

Thanks to you, I learned about friendship from Sheriff Woody.
Thanks to you, I learned about responsible from Flik.
Thanks to you, I learned about love from Sullivan.
Thanks to you, I learned about obedience from Nemo.
Thanks to you, I learned about power from Bob Parr.
Thanks to you, I learned about giving in from Lightning McQueen.

Thanks to you, I made my childhood fun.

May you rest in peace, Mr Incredible.
And now, I adore you as much as I adore Walt Disney.
Thanks, Steve Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs

Image source: here

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get Some, Lose Some, And That's Life


so i happened to obtain something new in my life
and for God's sake, i love it so much

but recently, i felt like some things that used to belong to me start losing one by one
and those are things around me, things that i need to survive

this may be my fault too, my weakness as well
but please, God, i can't live it
it's way too difficult

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Keeping Up With Me


Oke, kehidupan kampus akhir-akhir ini makin liar...
Blog ini pun makin sepi, jadi sarang laba-laba, kusam dan tampak kurang menggairahkan.


Pokokya di semester tanpa ampun ini, dari delapan mata kuliah, setengahnya ngasih tugas mingguan. Ditambah lagi kumpul ini itu, latihan ini itu, ini, itu, bla, bla bla aaaaaaa keder gue lama-lama.

Tapi gatau kenapa, bagus sih sebenernya, gue semangat-semangat aja bolak-balik ke kampus. Soalnya sekarang udah gak ada lagi matkul aneh nan nyampah yang gak ada hubungannya sama jurusan gue.

Apalagi gue makin mantep mau kemana gue setelah kuliah. Jadinya setiap kelas, orientasi gue udah uang uang uaaaaaaaaaaaaang~ mulu...


It's now all about communication science--
Well, you know what, it's actually more than that,
It's now all about advertising skills

Friday, August 19, 2011

Some Other Breathtaking Girls


It all started when I accidentally watched 90210 on Star World.
Then I realized a thing: most of the girls on this series are gorgeous.
Either young ones or even old ones, they're all pretty.

But wait! among those, I have my two favorites:
Naomi Clark of AnnaLynne McCord and Adrianna Tate-Duncan of Jessica Lowndes.

naomi's pic is from here, while adrianna's from here

Naomi, for me, is a semi-antagonist one of the serial. She's rich, spoiled and intriguing, but sometimes she has good manner. Even better than the protagonists.

While Adrianna, the drug user, is Naomi's 'wingman' who's always by her side in school. On other serial, this kind of partner usually has the same evil deed, and tend to help the antagonists do their evil plan. But Adrianna and Naomi are not that kind of girls.

Actually I don't really know who the main role of the serial is. Everybody seems to have their own conflicts and appear as much as the others.

But hey, who cares.
As long as these two appear often.
I'll be glad watching this
Mellow girly teenage drama

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hamdellah, They're on My Side


have i told you how i like Mesut Ozil so much because he's such a great football player and also a moslem?

okay, now it's not only him. i've got more to idolize
Samir Nasri

Karim Benzema

and also some more that i questioned before
Robin van Persie

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

now including Zinedine Zidane, Omar Frederick Kanoute, Franck Ribery, Nicholas Anelka, Solomon Kalou and Patrick Vieira, i have eleven moslem football player as my favorite ones. enough number to build a new club, right?

although they are spread to many clubs,
most of which i hate so much,
well... i don't care because
i adore them personally

all images belong to

Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Know I Want 'Cha (Concerts)


Proverbs are actually made based on real experiences. Yaaa, salah satunya "mati satu tumbuh seribu" yang selama ini gue acuhkan dan ternyata ada benarnya juga.

Jadi begini kawan kawan.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, gue dapet kabar kalo The Script, yang kedatangannya ke Jakarta udah gue prediksikan di beberapa post sebelumnya, bakal beneran dateng. Gue, dan beberapa temen gue yang dulu pernah berjanji akan menjadi yang paling depan kalo The Script dateng, seneng parah parah parahhhh denger kabar gembira ini. Apalagi tiketnya gak sampe 500rb. Lengkap gak sih?

Belom, sampe akhirnya gue dapet kabar bahwa konser yang dibopoh oleh Guinness itu cuma boleh didatengin sama manusia yang umurnya udah 21. Mantep kaaaaaaaaan?? :'/

Setelah sekuat tenaga meyakinkan diri bahwa gue dan The Script belom jodoh, gue dapet kabar lain dari belahan dunia lain:
Panic! At The Disco, which concert on August 17 2008 I beautifully missed when I was in high school, will come along with some other bands to GBK
Argh, hidup gue pun jadi jauh lebih berwarna mendengarnya karena Panic! At The Disco adalah satu dari enam konser laknat musisi favorit gue yang gue lewatkan dengan indahnya.

Dan di hari yang sama, gue dimention salah satu temen gue di twitter tentang suatu hal yang amat menakjubkan:
Pitbull, which concert I also missed because I never thought that the tickets wouldn't run out that fast, will also come and rule the Balai Kartini
Sumpah ya, yang ini gue gamau lewatin banget. Status doi juga sama kayak Panic! At The Disco; one of six darn concerts I couldn't afford. Dan lagi, euforia Bali yang hampir tiap detik gue dengerin suara doi, masih kerasa dan gue mau menggila lagi di konsernya.

Ngeri gak sih lo?? Ngeri uang gue abis kalo mereka beneran dateng dan gue kali ini beneran bisa nonton mereka tanpa ada hambatan apapun.

But the point of this post is, proverb "mati satu tumbuh seribu" does really exist though in my case it changes to "mati satu tumbuh dua".

And I hope it's only the two of them.
If there come others like Michael Buble or Rascal Flatts,
Please just shoot me now

Friday, July 29, 2011

You Name It, I Ran Out of Words


Yo, it's been a while since my last post... Hhh selalu begitu intro dari postingan-postingan gue hahaha. Dan di postingan gue yang ngomongin soal penyanyi (dua dibawah yang ini), di ujung postnya gue bilang "I'm back on this blog again" dan nyatanya gue cuma bikin satu postingan doang setelah itu fufufu jadi malu.

Ya abis gimana, gak nyangka aja di liburan ini gue bakal sesibuk itu (cielah gaya lu Pik). Ngurusin buku saku dan jadi bendahara. Cuma dua itu aja gue udah kelabakan gak karuan.

Untung ditengah-tengah kegilaan itu, tepatnya kemaren dari tanggal 13 sampe 21, gue bisa dengan indahnya keluar dari segala ke-chaos-an hidup yang fana ini guna memenuhi impian lama gue yang udah gue rekam dalam postingan tanggal 4 Februari 2011 berjudul "Piggy Bank Rules".

Oke, dengan bangga saya persembahkan postingan kali ini untuk liburan terindah dan terliar yang pernah saya alami dimana kawan kawan??

Yes indeed!


9 hari 8 malem? Gabakal cukup gue ceritain cuma dalem satu post. Ditambah dengan detil-detil ngaco dan gila yang gue lewatin bareng Muthe Dindut Bimo Bajay Nikon disana, butuh belasan postingan buat nampung itu semua.

Intinya, liburan ini bukan cuma ngasih kesenengan buat gue. Gue pun belajar banyak hal.

First of all, I learned how to handle and solve our own problems
Mulai dari jelajahin Poppies pagi malem buat nyari hotel yang lebih terjangkau, dengan sigap nyari mobil sewaan setelah tau mobil sebelumnya udah dibook orang, ngurusin revisi paket water sport, dorong mobil mogok karena keabisan bensin, sampe berantem sama tukang ojek mabok... kita ngerjain itu sendirian (well, yang terakhir itu cuma gue sih yang ngerjain hehe).

Secondly, I learned how to cheat people for our own good
Kamar hotel yang cuma buat bertiga bisa ditempatin enam orang, nyelinep masuk ke tempat-tempat yang harusnya bayar, nyamun minuman orang, that's what I call cheating for good.

Then I learned more about how to share
Berbagi ranjang, berbagi seafood, berbagi bebek bengil, berbagi ayam betutu, saling pinjem-meminjem uang, beliin snack sama minum sebotol gede buat bekel di kamar, ah parah deh serunya...

I also learned how to surf!
Bayar 100rb buat 3 jam maenan ombak? What more could I ask?

And I learned how to drive a car in a small alley and the rocky road of zombieland
Pada tau kan keadaan Poppies tuh kayak gimana? Sempitnya perparahan dan itu gak one way!! Ditambah ratusan motor dan pejalan kaki, yaaaa kebayang kan ya gimana repotnya bawa mobil disitu. Dan pas perjalanan ke Uluwatu kita sempet salah jalan ampe nyasar di some kind of road to nowhere dan pada saat itu dengan apesnya gue yang lagi giliran nyetir. What can we infer from the passage? My driving skill's increased HAHAHA *evil smirk*

Finally, I learned a bit how to control myself when i'm not me
Nothing to say, just showing some simple smirk and meaningful winked eye.

Have you ever felt such wonderful times with friends? Every moment felt so exciting. And without parents, you can figure out some new experiences and also some new sides of selves

What a trip, what a trip, WHAT... A... TRIP!!!

Honestly, I have not even a word that can describe this best.
It was too wonderful, amazing, unbelievable and indescribable.
And I'll do everything to go back there and feel the same ambience.
I'll be there soon, I promise

Sunday, June 19, 2011


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On the year of 1215, King John was forced by the rebel barons to sign the freedom right statement of Magna Carta. But as a king who is always thirst of throne and power, King John break his pledge and gather people to help him get back his power. He and his men then approach the castle of Rochester which place is strategic to occupy the southern England. But there, a Templar knight named Marshall and baron Albany with their men are ready to defend the castle and the freedom of the country.

What did I feel right after? Kaco haha. Jadi gue nonton sama Kidung dan Eda. Bukannya serius, yang ada malah lawak mulu. Padahal ini film isinya darah, tangan lepas, kepala potek, bla bla bla tapi lucu aja. Apalagi ada tuh si jabs Lady Isabel ya Allah udah ditolak ratusan milyar kali sama si Marshall tapi teteeeeeeeep aja teguh pendirian. Mana ada adegan bakar babi segala lagi yaelah gimana gamau tambah ngakak? Tapi overall, bagus kok filmnya. Sedih seneng seru marah semua ada dimari. Endingnya juga happy dan gak gantung. Dan plis, cermati penyebab kematian si bangsat King John. Dijamin terharu. Oke?

Friday, May 27, 2011

If I Had A Chance to be Born Five Times...


Woooo akhirnya ngepost lagi. UAS udah (anggep aja) lewat, libur 3 bulan menanti, dan saatnya membanjiri blog ini dengan ocehan-ocehan gue lagi! Can we make this fast? I mean, this opening thing? I'm not really good at it.

Oke! Jadi buat pemanasan setelah sekian lama gak ngeblog, gue cuma mau nyampah soal... Penyanyi. Hell yeah, these are male singers. Gak, bukan fisiknya lah gela lo! Gue mau memuji betapa bagusnya suara mereka, dan betapa irinya gue dengan mereka karena suara emas mereka itu.

So if i'm given a chance by God to be born again, I want my voice to be like these dudes.

Gangerti lagi kenapa dia suaranya bisa sengaco itu. Serek-serek gimana gitu kan ah bangke gue mau banget punya suara begitu. Dan kalo dia ngerap ugh, indescribable. And uh, can I make a little confession? I'm actually working on how he sings so fast. Di "On The Floor" nya J.Lo, sambil dengerin dia ngoceh sambil baca liriknya, gue juga ikutan loh ahaha! Pokoknya, elu, Mr Pitbull, for me, you have no foes in this. Dan gue punya satu quote buat suara doi.
"Well i am no woman. But that is one tasty dish."
-- Chandler Bing (F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

Jay Sean
Kalo tadi Hip Hop nya, yang ini Pop nya. Mungkin orang gak terlalu aware ya sama suara doi, tapi sebenernya unik loh. Liukan-liukannya cihuy cuy.

Danny O'Donoghue
Ada yang tau dia siapa? Vokalis The Script ah elah lama lu mikirnya. Agak biasa ya? Hmm iya sih tapi nggak ah! Gue doyan banget The Script, yaaah walopun cuma beberapa lagu doang. Dan gue punya firasat gak lama lagi mereka bakal ke Jakarta uuuulala gue bakal jadi yang terdepan deh Insya Allah.

Gary LeVox
Abis dari Indie Rock, loncat ke Country. Ever know who he is? Okay, he's the lead vocal of Rascal Flatts. Do you even know Rascal Flatts? Okay, one of their song was used for the soundtrack of Disney Cars. You don't know what Cars is?? Well, may you burn in hell haha canda tau! Susah sih ngomongin dia soalnya emang gak terlalu tenar disini. Tapi serius deh suaranya bikin bisa nangis. Gadeng lebay.

Michael Buble
Ada yang mau protes? Gak lah ya, siapa juga yang gak muji suara berat nan Jazzy si om yang satu ini. Dan fix kalo doi dateng, gue bakal kelabakan kebingungan mau nonton apa nggak karena harga tiketnya pasti bikin miskin ampe wisuda.

Hadoh hadoh udah ah ngomongin mereka gak ada matinya. Orientasi udah uaaaaaang mulu, ngebayangin dolar yang mereka hasilin "gara-gara" suara mereka itu.

And you know what? I'm running out of ideas.
Let's finish this warming-up post and please be ready because
I'm back on this blog again!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm Back

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phew, what a long long vacuum since the last time i posted something in here. so in summary, i had a terrible hectic month back then. started with all the offerings from many people that suddenly ruined by the lost of my cellphone and my... yeah, other thing. also passing the mid-term test and WONDERFULLY missed Bruno Mars' concert. whoa what can i say? it was the most disastrous month i've ever felt. even my birthday couldn't cheer me back to my previous setup

well, typing this story reminds me all the suck things. i'm done
wish me have my mood to refill colors back to my blog

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Help, I'm Being Abducted by an Addictive Alien Called TV


Recently, I'm really into movies. Well not kinds of cinema movies actually, but the serial ones. Yeah, Star World sent me to this trap hole.

It all began with How I Met Your Mother. I'm sure, nobody not know of what this show is -confusing grammar treated, nah who cares! So 5 friends, two dudes and two gals with one Ted, telling stories of how life is in New York. Well, especially love life.

I then I started frequently watching Gary Unmarried. Man, I love this one. I just like how a widower with 2 kids ruins each other's life with his ex-wife and her soon-to-be husband who used to be their marriage councelor. Yes, complicated. But that's the interesting side of this show.

And just this morning, oh I don't know whether I should be grateful or miserable but I accidentally watched Cougar Town 4 episodes straight in a row!! And you know what? I just fell for it. I couldn't ever deny Courteney Cox's charm, oh God I love her like damn!

Is American Idol included? Well, I watch this just for J.Lo actually

But wait. I got one more serial that I totally adore. Compared to all above mixed? This one is way better. Yes indeed, it's F.R.I.E.N.D.S! For God sake, this composition of Rachel Greene, Chandler Bing, Monica and Ross Geller, Phoebe Buffay and Joey Tribbiani won't ever be replaced by other casts, EVER.

I feel like I'm overreacting in this post. Do you think so? Well, who cares. I'm just too into them. And posting it on the blog doesn't show how big my love for them is.

Well, that's all.

Image source:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Piggy Bank Rules!

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On my story where I went to Bali, I said by the end of the post that I would go back there no matter what. And so, on July, if God allows, some of my silly buddies and I, will fly there!

Cool, isn't it? Having vacation on the island of fun with friends! Note it, F-R-I-E-N-D-S! I just can't imagine how wild it will be. Roll over the beach together, surf after high waves, dive into the deepest point of the ocean, dance like there's no tomorrow--okay it's way to excessive.

But wait, it wouldn't be that easy if...
I don't have lots of money.

Okay, money.

People said that money isn't everything.
Oh be realistic dude! Money is, everything.
Well, not in all aspects but

And a trip to Bali? well....
It will cost so much money to spend, for sure.
So that's why on this post,

"I, Rifky Ramadhan Amin, will officially announce that on this second term of my college, I will rarely spend my money for flash-term pleasure things such as watching movies, eating out and buying things prodigally."
-Bali Trip Oath-
Damn, this should be working.
Please God oh, please...
I'm longing for this trip so bad!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

El Nino Turns Blue, Liverpool Turns Blue, Fans Turn Blue Too


Hi guys! Whoa, it's February already and phew, time drifts so fast like crazy. And this month, well, was colored by a single bitter fact for Liverpool. Including me yes, but it doesn't really affect my whole precious life.

Okay, and so Torres left.

Yeah, Fernando Torres. The best striker that Liverpool has. He's gone to... Err, a club from somewhere in Northern England called... Chelsea? Oh okay, that club. And look how happy he is!

I bet his mind's shouting something like, "Great I made it! I'm finally out of that hellish red club!" Ah crap, for me he's nothing. From what I saw since World Cup, Torres was no good. Okay note it, it's my own vision, a boy that is really whatsoever in football.

But still, in search of trophy? What a selfish piece of joke he is--piece of joke? Well, I don't really know what I said, I just burst out what's inside my head.

So have fun with your new team, buddy. Liverpool's got Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll for their fans to forget you. But hey you know what, when I went to Bali I bought an artificial Liverpool Jersey spelled T-O-R-R-E-S with a number 9 below them. Cool right? Now the one with that kind of name has flown away~

Mad? of course noooot, who do I think I am?
I'm nothing to Torres and I'm a new fresh fan of Liverpool.
So I'm just stating my voice by saying
Good luck to you, El Nino!

P.S. : oh and i just realized something! by this weekend, Liverpool will meet Chelsea on the EPL! can't wait to see it. hope Torres play for the blues

Sunday, January 30, 2011



Driver was a driver of a bankrobber gang of his brother. After they succeeded robbing a bank, a gang ambushed them and killed all of them. Fortunately, Driver was saved from the death but due to his bankrobbing crime, he was sent to the prison. 10 years after, he's finally free. Now he's on his own mission to look for the gang members that murdered his brother and kill them all. But that's not that easy. There's a cop named Cop who chase after Driver's case, and there's also an assassin called Killer whose client wants Driver killed.

What did I feel right after? Puas. Haha entah kenapa perasaan ini selalu muncul kalo gue nontonin film tentang bales dendam. Ya iyalah, seru jir. Tapi emang rumit banget ceritanya. Nulis sinopsisnya aja ampe ribet sendiri gue. Dan si Driver, Cop sama Killer tuh emang itu nama mereka. Gue juga baru ngeh abis selesai nonton. Tapi brilian deh ide ceritanya. Banyak scene scene sama fact fact yang bikin penonton bilang, "Oooh, ternyata begini!" atau "Ya ampun! Ternyata dia orangnya!?" haha agak lebay sih gak segitunya juga, tapi begitu deh. Pokoknya oke deh nih film. Sadis-sadis menggigit gimanaaaaa gitu. Buruan ditonton!

image source: here

Friday, January 28, 2011

(Have No Idea, I'll Fill It Later)


It's my 100th post, yaaay!

Please don't be bored, readers. I welcome you everyday here and if there are ways for me to increase my postings, just let me know.


Monday, January 24, 2011

My Very First Money Making


... And I Made It!!
Ahem! not only 'I', but 'We'.
So many people included.

Other three Comboys member Bimo, Epen and Bags.
With our lovely manager Kiki and our MD Abi.
All our 2008 seniors that helped us making this as our first job.
And also Commel who supported us that well.

Okay it was yesterday, January 23rd which I thought would be a sucking day since we were asked to perform an 'acting' on a birthday bash, but there were only 4 of us out of all 12. Sounds shattering, right?

But I was wrong. The performance, which actually been trained only in 2 days, was a total success! The audience enjoyed, the kids laughed, the one that had the birthday thanked (well, that's what I overheard), and guess what? As we walked out of the stage, Kiki told us that Kompas Muda offers us to perform on their show!

Phew, that's not all! Epen and I, and also all seniors, hijacked all the leftover cakes and drinks as the after-party time. that was so exciting especially when a brother of @ajizambon came and ruined everything, LOL.

Whoa that was an undeniable experience.
Once again thanks everybody, esp 08.
Count us in again once you get more jobs, please?

P.S. : I got a fan! Yaay :'D