Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Best Waste

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It's been a while since--duh, sorry I, I think it's gonna be a very touchy post so I'm using Indonesian now. You know, sometimes, well, most of the times I use English for just coolness sake. But if it's a real deal, Indonesian it is. Yea well I'm that kind of guy who--hey, kapan mulainya Vick? :)


Sumpah beberapa bulan lalu, gue tau dan yakin banget kalo taun ini bakalan jadi Ramadhan paling seru yang bakal pernah gue jalanin seumur hidup. Karena sumpah, occasion yang benturan sama Ramadhan taun ini super duper banyak.

Pertama dan yang paling utama, ya, you know, World Cup 2014. Yang secara sukses bikin dua minggu awal puasa gue lewat gitu aja gak berasa. Jam tidur terbalik, malem dipake buat nonton bola, siang dipake buat tidur, sore dipake buat bikin postingan analisis pertandingan sepakbola mahadahsyat ala Rifky Ramadhan Amin. Sahur dan Subuh pun jadi lebih berwarna karena bola nya sendiri baru selesai at least jam 5 -kadang molor ampe jam 6 gegara extra time plus adu penalty. Thanks, but no thanks.

Kedua, you also know, Pilpres 2014. Minor sih, karena gue gak tertarik tertarik amet. Tapi mayan lah bikin puasa ini jadi lebih menggelitik. Membuat gue lebih kritis dan gak pasif meskipun lagi berkutat menahan lapar -sumpah ya, makin kesini puasa itu lebih berat nahan laper. Inget banget dulu pas kecil sok sok deklarasi bahwa puasa itu lebih susah nahan aus. Saking kritisnya, kadang pikiran suka negatif dan jadi mencak sana sini. Thanks, but no thanks.

Seru sih, emang, karena bikin segalanya jadi gak kerasa.
Hampir sama sekali gak kerasa malah. Apalagi ditambah ujan.

Mungkin kalian inget postingan gue taun lalu, menyatakan bahwa puasa taun lalu berasa jauh lebih cepet daripada puasa 2012 yang gue pikir udah kerasa cepet banget. Ya, puasa taun ini, yang bahkan gue di rumah aja gak kayak puasa dua taun sebelumnya dimana gue magang, menurut gue adalah yang paling cepet.

Dan paling sia sia.

Meskipun gue gak kerja, gue terlalu banyak ngadain buka bersama. Tarawih pun cuma ada di dua minggu awal aja. Itupun banyak bolongnya. Semalem, yang harusnya jadi tarawih terakhir, malah gue pake buat reunian sama temen temen SMA. Seneng sih kumpul sama mereka, cuman kalo dipikir pikir lagi... Gila kali ya, bayangin aja dari tanggal 15 Ramadhan sampe abis gue gak tarawih sama sekali...

Gausah deh yang berhubungan sama ibadah. Yang berhubungan sama kepentingan sendiri aja gue lupa. Inget taun lalu gue seneng dan berbunga bunga banget nungguin ulangtaun Hijriyah gue? Taun ini, gue bahkan baru inget kalo gue punya ulangtaun hijriyah, tepat satu hari setelahnya. Ya, yang berhubungan sama kepentingan sendiri aja gue lupa.

Sejujurnya gue udah sadar masalah ini sekitar 10 hari terakhir Ramadhan. Gue udah super niat ngajakin keluarga gue tarawih bareng lagi, tapi selalu diurungkan karena pasti anggotanya gak lengkap. Padahal gak ngaruh. Solat bertiga sama bokap nyokap aja pun sebenernya gapapa kan. Pun sekalinya lengkap, buka puasanya di luar. Sampe rumah jam 10, udah deh molos. Ya emang intinya keinginan gue buat ibadah itu minim.

Sampe akhirnya Jum'at kemarin, dua hari yang lalu, gue pergi solat Jum'at diiringi ujan. Dateng telat, seperti biasa, jadilah gue duduk di teras luar berbatasan dengan tampias air.

Sumpah ya, tanpa bermaksud lebay seperti yang biasa gue sampaikan dalam blog yang penuh becandaan ini, itu perasaan gue pas solat Jum'at, sejuk banget. Literally, metaphorically. Dari luar ditiup angin, dari dalem didengerin bacaan ayat suci. Udah gitu gue duduk di sebelah kakek kakek yang udah gabisa solat gerakan full, jadi harus sambil duduk di kursi lipet. Tekanan mental banget, karena gue jadi malu sendiri.

Plus, yang paling bikin gue remuk, adalah kenyataan bahwa Jum'at itu Jum'at terakhir Ramadhan taun ini. Bukti paling konkret yang nunjukkin bahwa yak, Rifky, secara resmi Ramadhan kamu tahun ini sia sia, semoga tahun depan lebih baik ya. Amin.

Percaya gak kalo gue bilang gue nangis pas solat?
Karena ya, kapan lagi bisa begini?

Belum tentu taun depan gue masih tinggal di Indonesia -Amin banget sih ini!
Belum tentu taun depan puasanya selalu diguyur ujan kayak sekarang.
Belum tentu taun depan... Gue ketemu lagi sama Ramadhan.

Kebanyakan belum tentu, tapi gue kayak yakin yakin aja buat nyia-nyiain Ramadhan taun ini. Sumpah ya, gapernah gue senyesel ini ninggalin Ramadhan. Gak perlu deh gue jadi super religius tarawih full, selalu di mesjid atau apalah. At least kayak standarnya gue aja lah... Itu udah cukup. Banget.

"Paling nggak kerasa."
Gak kerasa tiba tiba udah buka.
Gak kerasa tiba tiba udah mau Lebaran.
Gak kerasa suasana puasa dan ibadahnya...


I swear this was the best Ramadan so far.
That I waste and never had

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Obrigado, Brazil

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I promise, this is my last post about World Cup 2014.
Somehow I gotta stop and move on with my life.

But I'm sure it's gonna be hard.

Maybe I told you, World Cup has always been a special occasion to me. I was crazy upset after Italy finished celebrating in Germany 2006, or after Spain called it a day in South Africa 2010. And without a doubt, I am still so down at the time I'm typing this.

Moreover, this World Cup has been pretty distinct to me.
In terms of enjoying the real game of football.

I remember the last World Cup in South Africa, I owned this blog already and I did just the same: kept posting this and that about what happened along the cup. But then as I re-read it this year, I could just smile and pity my old self. It was exciting, and rich. But on some level, boring. Because I was watching the cup emotionally.

I stuck myself to one team I supported from day one. Riding the same roller coaster with the same 23 men from match to match, stage to stage, I barely watched other games. I did followed up the other matches, but only with big teams in it. Until finally my team went home as the champion, I felt satisfied because they won. Not because I enjoyed the whole cup.

But this year,

This year's World Cup was not even as rousing as the one in South Africa. I didn't even feel the euphoria until the opening ceremony really started. And people seemed to be more moved hearing "Waka Waka" than "We Are One" -as Pitbull's fan, this sucks. But despite the world's poor excitement towards this cup, I, on the other hand, eventually thought that this was the best World Cup I ever watched in my life. Because I was watching the cup logically.

Observing each game's true essence, players and techniques, gave me a whole new perception in enjoying football. And the fact that the most entertaining fights didn't only come from big teams, damn, it was just the right timing for me. I swear I never screamed that loud, by only watching teams like USA and Belgium. Get it? USA? Belgium? In 2010, I'd leave them to bed and just wait for the result the next morning.


No matter how logical I'm trying to be, once the cup finished, I'll be ended up heart broken, and be upset anyway. Well I still get to see cool football matches tho, hello, Liverpool will be on Champions League this season! But then, it'll only be my personal consumption.

No more tweeting with each nations hashtags so it'll appear in the worldwide timeline and random people from random countries will retweet or even favorite my thoughts, or, posting stuff in this blog, publish it on Google Plus and suddenly dozens of people +1'd my writing, making it accessible to the whole globe and international flags will appear in my blog traffic instead of just Indonesian flag, or, texting my Israeli friend who lives in the US, telling him "I can't believe you didn't even trust your own squad while I'm like, here, adoring your keeper!?" or constantly texting my German friend with the same damn messages like "oh wow, congrats, your team made it to the next round..." literally ALL CUP LONG, wow! It's just, after this... No more worldwide shared consumption.

Oh well.

This World Cup itself, has been a worldwide experience for me personally. Worldwide celebration of my own. I don't really have to be there in Brazil to feel this, or be with someone with the nationality of one of this cup's contestants. I don't even need my national football team to enter the cup so I can join the euphoria!

Everybody can put whoever's flag in the sky,
Wave them side to side, show where they're from,
Or at least, show where they send their supports to.

This just shows how diverse we are, but despite that,
At the end of the day we sit the same way, watch the same thing.

Don't know the source, but it's not mine

That's just the beauty of World Cup.
And how I always liked the impact.

Thank you, FIFA.

I'll see you again when I'm 26

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Highlight of the Cup

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Entering the last two posts of World Cup 2014,
Lol I just can't stop doing this, it's just so on and on.

Well, no wonder because I guess this has been the most entertaining World Cup I ever watched so far. Losing the team I supported from the very beginning of the cup and forced me to having no preference, made me be oh-so neutral and totally objective to all the games. That's what mentally happened.

Technically, most teams served a hell of a performance! Great sets of mixture, big and small ones, all played damn great. Even to me personally, the best shows came from moderate to relatively infamous players! So fvckin mindblowing!

Now in this pre-closing post of World Cup 2014, I'd like to highlight some of the best dramas that became my personal favorites. You might think this is a shallow selection but, well, I'm just trying to be fair.

Best Goal: Tim Cahill | AUS v NED
Runner Up: James Rodriguez | COL v URU

While most people would say that James' goal against Uruguay was the best in the entire cup, I'd think that Tim Cahill's to Netherlands on the group stage was the true finest goal. The long haul pass -not even an assist- from I don't know who, arrived smoothly around his left foot and then BOOM! There went the ball to the left corner of Jasper Cillessen's goal. That was so delicate and freakin beautiful...

Now James' goal, well, I think y'all knew. Oh ya I'm talking about the first goal tho, since he scored both goals on the match. The one outside the penalty box, with the ball landed on his chest, then got executed with his left foot, ya, you eat that Suarez! Oh sorry, he wasn't even be played on the game. Sent home already so still, eat that!

Best Save: Guillermo Ochoa | Tim Howard
Runner Up: Tim Krul | NED v CRC

Okay as much as I want it to be objective, I can't really tell who wins the category. I can't even decide which save was the best because everything with either Ochoa and Howard in it, was sick! But let me try. The one I really couldn't forget from Ochoa was against Brazil. When Thiago Silva received a ball and headed it to the goal in just a very close distance, Ochoa could unbelievably blocked it. From point blank, for God's sake, he's a god!

While Tim, oh Tim... His 16 saves from Belgian assaults were all crazy incredible. He used all parts of his body to defend his goal. But the ones that blew my mind were when he used his legs. I mean, legs! He was falling down already, any player could easily score an easy goal but then who would've thought that Howard would stretch his legs and block the ball?! He's seriously my idol.

Tim Krul's saves that I mentioned, was the ones with the penalty shootout against Costa Rica. Well he didn't save all balls but, did you notice what he did before each Costa Rican players shot the balls? He walked to the right and left side of his goals like distractions, then talked to the shooters like a form of intimidation. It was a trick, he played with Costa Rican minds! This was what made me interested in his performance.

Best Game: BRA v CHI
Runner Up: GER v GHA
Actually, all matches consisting of fantastic goalkeepers with their fantastic goalkeeping performances were the best games to my preference -especially Belgium versus USA oh Lord that's one breathtaking performance I like! But then remembering the first match of the second round, Brazil against Chile, I think it was the complete set of game, with everything in it! Scores on the original 90 mins, yes. Attacks and counterattacks from both teams, yes. Entering extra time, yes. Penalty shootout, yes! Everything!!

Not to mention the drama. It was like a match of both rationality and emotion: Chilean actual better performance versus Brazilian loud crowd. Yes, I'm saying that this match showed to us that Brazilian current squad was nothing without their supporters, and Neymar's popularity-esteem. Those were the only explanations they could eventually win the penalty shootout. The match also showed us that underdog teams, represented by Chile, took a major role in this World Cup they could even tied the host team. Salute!

Now the runner up of the best game. Well, I must say that this was the most intense game in the group stage. Both physically, and mentally. The European emperor and African warrior kept tumbling each other down all game long, scoring both two goals, featuring sibling fight between Jerome and Kevin Prince Boateng, ended up with Thomas Muller's bloodbath. Remember Captain Tsubasa? This match was adapting the anime.

Best Twist: USA v POR
Runner Up: NED v MEX
I'm sorry but USA really stole my heart. And this game, was crazy. USA's boosted performances gave pains in the asses of this European big team. But Nani's early goal really trembled USA down, they couldn't even score until the half time. But then something shoved Jermaine Jones and Clint Dempsey they played fvckin well and each scored one goal on the second half. Entering the stoppage time, no one in this whole globe would think that USA would leave this match losing. Well, they didn't. But they didn't win either.

Substitute Silvestre Varela suddenly scored a goal in THE VERY LAST MINUTE of the match, making it ended up draw. It was really mind blowing. I can't imagine how was it like to be Americans. All cameras were shooting the benched Clint Dempsey on the last moments, the man himself couldn't even conceal his excitement of ending the game and going back to the hotel, winning. But Varela's goal, wow, it ruined everything.

Another twist was made by the Dutch, when they were facing Mexico in the round of 16. It was a tie game of 1 - 1, and they were really on the verge of entering the extra time when Rafael Marquez fouled Arjen Robben and Netherlands got a penalty gift, on the stoppage time of the second round. Klaas Jan Huntelaar, who was substituting Robin van Persie, scored the penalty and there they went. Really unfortunate for Mexico, damn, I mean, the penalty kick was so unnecessary and the fact that it was given on the very last minute of the match... It sucked big time.


I could talk about this long enough I'd even forget the time.
This just shows how excited I always am, when it comes to World Cup.
Can't wait to start watching Liverpool soon, to fill my longing towards the cup.

Or worse yet,

Can't wait for World Cup 2018

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beyond Saving Goals

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As a part of World Cup 2014 closing posts,
I think it's just the time to have a tribute

To the best goalkeepers.

Let's save time about how astonishing goalkeepers are in this World Cup, by quoting one of the best living football players -whose tweets and stuff were really becoming my enlightenment along the cup- that I looked after

"The quality of goalkeeping at this World Cup has been extraordinarily high." -- Gary Lineker

See huh? All these times, I didn't say it just by basing on my naked thoughts about football--even a pro agreed to what I thought! Man, I really have to actually go to Mr Lineker and show all my analysis towards the World Cup, who knows he'll make me his apprentice.


From Beto to Fernando Muslera, Claudio Bravo to Diego Benaglio, lots of crazy goalkeepers appearing in this World Cup are... Crazy. Like seriously, they played well! Lots of matches ended up with no score, or tied, but then those kind of matches were a hell lot more entertaining because the keepers are... Crazy!!

Out of those many good keepers, of course, I have a set of GKs I favorited.

Ecuadorian Alexander Dominguez and Nigerian Vincent Enyeama are two that I like from the underdog teams. I saw Dominguez's great game against France, and Enyeama's best game was against, oh what are the odds, France as well! One more from the underdogs, that now has become the whole world's dear, is Keylor Navas. He's just plain good.

Pic's from here, here and here

From moderate team, I vote for, who else, but Guillermo Ochoa. His game against Brazil, was like the one giving me the 'slap in the face' made me realize that this World Cup's goalkeepers are crazy asses. While out of keepers from top teams, duh I don't wanna be seemed too shallow and mainstream but, my fave one is like everybody else's fave one. Manuel Neuer. Oh but in my defense, I adored him since 2010, especially after I explored that he was born on March 27th. Yes, we shared the same birth date and that's the reason why I like him.

Ochoa's pic's from here, Neuer's from here

But then, it's not called 'favorite' if I have many that I like. So I made a decision that I do have one goalkeeper that I like the most. The one that truly won my heart by giving such crazy, constant game from the very beginning to the day he lost. Lost with dignity, because he also stole everybody else's heart. Yes, I made tons of posts about him so you might've known, it's

Tim Howard

Tim's pic, from here

Sick. Really.

I think I said this before, but who cares I'm gonna say it again:
Your performances, my idols, really altered my perceptions about goalkeepers.

Before this, goalkeepers are something I -and probably most watchers in the entire globe- took for granted. You don't do much. The best you can do is just preventing your team from losing, not to drive your squad to winning. But now, I see it differently.

Your roles remain the same: conducting saves, not attacks. But the saves you made, could actually boost your team mates to produce. Keepers don't literally score goals, but your passion move everybody else to want to score goals.

I realized that in the match of USA vs Belgium, where Tim Howard's saves could actually gave spirit to Julian Green's closing goal. Then I was so sure about everything after Brazil vs Germany, where Julio Cesar's devastation led to more conceded goals from Germany and lacking of goals to Germany.


Thanks guys for making this cup so different.
Thank you all for bringing it to a whole new level.
You didn't just save your goal, your match, your team,
You also saved my excitement

Monday, July 14, 2014

Something Better Than Just Revenge

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So Germany won the 20th World Cup.
Pretty obvious since they have the best team.


Unlike Portugal who depended on Cristiano Ronaldo, nor Brazil who worshiped too much on Neymar, nor even Argentina who put everything in the shoulder of Lionel Messi. No matter how best-player-in-the-whole-globe he could be, playing single-handed against 11 players, he's just a flea everybody refers him as.

But after all, hats off to Argentina tho. They gave a heck of a game last night for Germany. It wasn't easy at all so Mario Goetze could score such beautiful goal. Damn right it was that beautiful to me. Stopped by chest, flew down to the kicking area then the shoot rocketed straight to the leftternmost side of the net. Crazy sweet.

But you know what is sweeter?


Years ago, back to 1986, when Germany was still called "West Germany", they met Argentina on the final match in Mexico. Diego Maradona was captaining the team when he brought his nation out as the winner. What does it have to do with this World Cup's winner, it's so fvckin long time ago!? Hold on, gangster!? That's not the frikkin reason of the revenge, West Germany won the cup against Argentina anyway, 4 years later, so that revenge had been paid in the lapse of just one cup.

It's Diego Maradona I'm talking about, that should feel the pain of revenge. Four years ago, when he coached Argentina, he arrogantly misplaced Thomas Mueller with a ball boy. Come to think of it, this is so ridiculous. Aside the fact that Argentina this time lost to Germany with Mueller in it, the 24 years old German himself now has scored more World Cup goals than Maradona. And giving at his age, he can even surpass his senior Miroslav Klose and be the all-time FIFA World Cup Top Scorers on the upcoming cup.

Shame on you, Mr Legend.

I can't find any other pic of them, but this one's strong enough eh?

Oh, where are you going? I'm not finished.
That's not the only revenge Germany completed last night.

Do you remember about the final match of World Cup 2002? It was the last time Germany could go to the final round. It was also the first World Cup Miroslav Klose played for Germany. And they were tragically beaten by Brazil. It sucked for both Germany and of course, Klose.

But he made it this year.
Revenge is sweet.

It's not a big deal and a significant revenge actually, but could beat Brazil in this World Cup semifinal in front of their public, and on the same time broke the top scorer record which was held by Brazilian player Ronaldo, then on top of all, be the champion of the cup hosted in Brazil... Those were tremendously more than enough. 

Moreover, this could be his last World Cup because he's now 36, and lol do you think he'll want to be the oldest player in Russia? Could fulfill his personal revenge, be the all-time top scorer and had his nation be the world champion for his last cup, the closure is just too sugary for Klose.

I'm so glad I witnessed everything he did.
He's a living legend and will always be talked about.

The pic's from here

What an ending.
It's beyond just a revenge.
It's double revenge

A Star Is Reborn

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You guys finally made it.
Winning as a whole GERMANY.
And even be the first European ever,
To win the cup in the land of America.

Glückwünsche, Der Panzer!

All images are from here.

Match 64

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In less than an hour, we'll get to watch the end of World Cup 2014.
Might be the match people had been waiting for.

People. Not me.

Because World Cup has always been so special to me. And entering the final match, means that I have to wait for 4 more years to be able to feel the exact complete smart-ass euphoria towards football. Lol but what can I do. I have to watch it anyway.

Argentina vs Germany
Estádio Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro

Duel people are dying to see. Pic's from here.

I'm on German side. They've been one of my considerations since the very beginning. But you know I ended up choosing England. At first I adored the squad because of an imbecile reason: Mesut Ozil is a moslem. But as time goes by, as I saw Germany very strong as a team, not as individuals-forced-to-work-as-a-team, my adoration towards Germany grew logically.

While Argentina, ya, it's Leo I don't like him. But among any other people I hate, he's actually the one who has the actual skill of a football star. I admit it. I don't hate him professionally as a football player no, duh, he's like a god. I even forgot why I been hating him but believe me, it's personal... And hey, I must be consistent. Once I hate him, I will always do.

For this last match, people might've been waiting to see who's the best between Lionel Messi, and Thomas Mueller. People. Not me. I'm using their pics as a cover to attract readers tho, not because I'm looking forward to see how they play for the final.

As for my own preference, I'm actually waiting for the show served by

Manuel Neuer and Sergio Romero

Pics are from here and here

This World Cup has been all about goalkeepers after Group A exposed Guillermo Ochoa. Since after, talented goalkeepers were like swelling from team to team, blocking attacks and giving thrill to each and every single game, even if it's a no-goals game! Shit man I really love this set of World Cup it's full of dramas made by goalkeepers that people might not find very entertaining.

People. Not me.

I'm so gonna talk about this goalkeeper thing later.
This post is all about the final match. The sudden death.
But I'm gonna stop now because the match's about to start.

I don't know.

I'm too emotional

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sorry a Little

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One of the final matches had occurred:
The fight to sign which asses to be the second runner up of the cup.

Between Netherlands, and heart-broken host Brazil
Saturday, July 12 2014 - Estádio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasília

Sorry to use your pic again, David Luiz, but this one was so strong...

Lol ya the pic answered it all.
Brazil broke their heart again.
By losing the third place.

Let's not talk technical. It's really obvious that Brazil been proceeding up to the semi final round, was purely driven by luck. From the very beginning, from the day I bought my guide book for FIFA World Cup 2014 and got exposed to Brazilian squad for the first time, I was like, "hell no, I know no one from here but Julio Cesar and Maicon -which were too old and not too important- and Neymar -which was too young and too depended on."

And then there they went. Got out as the group winner, because their group mates were all underdogs, struggled really hard to survive second round by meeting Chile and Colombia, and eventually got kicked in the ass by Germany. I knew it was only the matter of time, and the matter of their match, that would finally stop them and show the world that Brazil will never give a good competition.

I'm sorry, that my curse for you lasted too long.
You guys couldn't even fight well for the 3rd place.

But then...

The bigger sorry I felt last night,
Is the fact that I didn't become

The supporter of Netherlands.

They were like one good candidate I'd picked before I finally ended up with England. But their first game--their first major winning game against Spain made me avoid picking them because I didn't want people to label me as a supporter who supported based on victories. Lol what a stupid reason.

Let's not talk technical, again. It's definitely obvious that the Dutch has been on fire since beating Spain. They only found it pretty handful against Costa Rica and Argentina, and eventually lost against La Albiceleste not because they sucked. It was totally unfortunate and penalty shootout couldn't necessarily show that they were losers.

They emotionally won my heart. All 23 players, which I now happen to be familiar with. Oh and about this, yea, at first I was questioning, how in the world could I be like, knowing each and every single Dutch players?? And then just last night, I found the answer.

Apparently, Louis van Gaal has been playing fair to his squad. He gave all players at least a chance to play in this World Cup. Last night, on last minutes before the final whistle blew, he switched the main goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen with the substitute keeper who hasn't played at all in Brazil. As Michel Vorm got on pitch, the commentator said that now all 23 man squad of Netherlands' has played for World Cup 2014. And I was getting major goosebumps.

Never felt so respectful to a manager before. Pic's from here.

What a class, Mr van Gaal.

Now thanks to you, the biggest part of sorry I felt by not supporting Netherlands, was because I couldn't completely feel your magical touch of coaching the squad. You showed us that managing football is not just about skills and strategy, which you've been showing all cup long, but it's all about emotions and relationship, which you just dramatically summed up last night.

I'm sorry I wasted your actual performance.
Because I was amazed by the squad you crafted.
But that's okay, as we all will get to see you again soon,

In England

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Host Going Home

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I know it's late. Past two days already.
But yesterday was all about Indonesian politic so...

Let's talk about Brazil today.

You knew that David Luiz in this pic is not praying for gratefulness right?

You know. I know. We all know, lol who wouldn't have known?
Their tragic lost in Mineirão for their semi final match against Germany.

Technicallity, the defense was so damn poor. Not having Thiago Silva as both defenders and captain really wrecked Brazil to the bones -even for me, was the main reason of Brazil's loss, not because of no Neymar. But with him around, I still am doubting Brazil could win. Because they been playing really dull since the very beginning. I was so sure after I watched them against Mexico. And it was Germany, for God's sake. They won't ever continue to the final with Germany's current squad.

But that's just not it. They were also mentally ruined. Depended too much on Neymar, physically, and emotionally. They made Neymar's injury too big a deal. Dramatized. To be honest, I didn't see any crucial role Neymar had made so far. Only some goals, so what? Alexis Sanchez and Bryan Ruiz could be considered giving much important roles for their own team, although scored less goals than Neymar.

They broke their own mental, being disturbed by issues which isn't even that big. Neymar is too much praised so people can't just see that him being not around, is actually okay.

See I'm hating him again.

Oh sometimes I'm wondering. Did I hate Brazil and Neymar too much that karma gave me such over-handful loss for both? I repeat, for both! Not only Brazil, nor only Neymar, but both! I did want Brazil to be out of the cup because they have Neymar. It was enough already with Neymar's absence -although I didn't actually ask for his injury- but the squad stripped naked in front of their public?

2 - 1 or 3 - 1 would be enough already.
No one would ever expect it to be 7 - 1.
Ya maybe they just lost their magical touch.

I remember I cried like a broken hearted beau when Brazil was defeated by France back in Germany 2006. This is 7 times harder for their supporters. And on top of all, they are actually Brazilian supporters. So many pictures of Brazilian crowd shedding tears aired online, even from the first round. The whole stadium was filled with sobs. Too dreadful, and heartbreaking.


Who am I to judge. Scolari must've had his own consideration for everything. It just, turned out to be one of the wrongest decisions in Brazilian football history.

I'm sorry guys, you had to face that crap.
I did want you to get the fvck out of the cup.

Too much heartbreaking tears and emotions, this struck me right in the heart.

But seriously, this was
Not the way I wanted

Monday, July 7, 2014

When Your Campaign Strikes Your Own Ass


Udah mau selesai, dan gue belom ngomongin sedikitpun masalah ini.
Yes, Pilpres 2014, gue belom pernah bahas ini sekalipun dimari.

Mari recap dulu sebentar.

Capres cawapres kita buat pilpres kali ini ada dua. Pak Prabowo sama Pak Hatta, Pak Jokowi sama Pak JK. Sepi emang, apalagi kalo dibandingin sama pilpres sebelum-sebelumnya. Tapi sepi nya berdasarkan jumlah capresnya aja. Kalo suasana dan atmosfer pemilunya, wow, fenomenal parah. Saling serang via social media, bikin black campaign sana sini, awalnya gue iya iya aja tapi makin kesini makin enek. Sumpah. Bukannya hati jadi yakin mau pilih siapa, yang ada malah pengen gue maki maki orang yang pertama kali cetusin pemilu.

Jarang jarang kan gue bahas politik. Sebenernya gue jijik dan sebodo amat sama topik yang satu ini. Tapi untuk kali ini, sepertinya gue sudah mencapai batas kesabaran.

Ada satu capres
Yang menurut observasi personal gue, pengoptimalisasian digital campaign nya terlalu overwhelmed. Note it ya, digital campaign nya, bukan capresnya secara personal. Jadi jangan kira dengan gue ngomongin masalah ini, trus berarti gue ada di pihak capres satunya.

Terlalu aktif, terlalu keliatan positif, terlalu jomplang (kuantitas dan keberpihakan orang) antara pemberitaan dia dengan capres satunya, buzzer sana sini dipake, bahkan ARTIS LUAR NEGERI! Duh gue heran sama yang ada dalem pikiran tim digitalnya. Orang Malaysia aja sebodo tai kucing sama pilpres ini, masa iya Jason Mraz out of nowhere jadi pendukung salah satu capres?!?! Ya itu jelas lah ya dibayarnya...

Sampai semenjak tiga minggu terakhir, ketika gue kembali aktif pake Twitter karena mau menyemarakkan World Cup sehingga gue tak sengaja keekspos sama semua tetek bengek pemberitaan, campaign plus buzzer buzzer tai yang jumlahnya udah hampir gak keitung lagi di Twitter, gue pun mulai muak sama semua hal ini. Terutama sama si capresnya, karena gue ngerasa cara ini sangat barbar dan gak beradab.

Tadinya gue netral parah, bahkan berniat buat golput aja besok tanggal 9. Tapi ngeliat semua buzzer Jokowi yang -gatau deh bayaran atau pure pembela- berkeliaran di socmed, ngulik ngulik kesalahan plus nyindir nyindir Prabowo, cari kambing hitam dan merasa pilihan mereka adalah yang paling benar dan yang tidak memilih Jokowi adalah sesat, gue pun akhirnya malah yakin buat milih Prabowo.

Karena dia main lebih bersih.
Selama kampanye.

Gue gapernah sekalipun ngeliat selebtwit yang ngebelain Prabowo. Atau sok sok ngejelekin Jokowi. Yang gue liat selalu orang orang yang ngeshare pemberitaan negatif Prabowo. Lalu antek anteknya yang segambreng mengamini, ngeretweet sana sini supaya makin kesebar.

Menurut gue cara itu lebih cocok disebut sampah.
Dan orang-orang yang ngelakuin itu semua ya sama dengan sampah.

Gaperlu gue sok sok bilang "no offense no offense" karena iya, gue lagi offense kalian semua yang aktif banget di dunia maya buat ngejelek-jelekin Prabowo. Aktif banget nemu screenshot-screenshot dari kesalahan kecil orang, lalu di share lagi dan diketawain sekampung seolah-olah apa yang mereka baca itu bener banget dari A sampe Z.

Perlu digarisbawahi, GUE BUKANNYA NGEBELA PRABOWO karena beberapa kasus dia pun gue gatau kebenarannya. Tapi gue GAMAU JADI PEMBELA JOKOWI karena gue gamau jadi bagian dari sampah yang gue olok-olok sendiri.

Sedih sebenernya sama cara ini. Bener-bener nunjukkin kalo rakyat Indonesia emang masih bodoh. Bolehlah mereka jadi selebtwit, banyak uang, bolehlah mereka mainannya Twitter, high tech, tapi kelakuannya gak lebih baik daripada orang-orang tolol yang gak pernah sekolah.

But after all, thanks to you guys, buzzer di socmed yang udah senantiasa penuh semangat ngejelek-jelekin Prabowo, gue akhirnya jadi bisa nentuin pilihan. Berkat black campaign dan cara kalian yang tak beradab itu, gue justru jadi gamau pilih apa yang kalian pilih. Ya gamaulah gue gabung sama geng sampah lo.

Kalopun ternyata Prabowo menang dan nanti gak jadi Presiden yang diharapkan -ya semoga jangan kejadian sih, at least gue milih dia bukan karena gue percaya kalo dia adalah capres yang tepat. Jadi apapun yang terjadi, thanks to you guys, gue gabakal pernah nyalahin dan menyesal akan keputusan gue :)

Dan maaf Pak Jokowi, bukannya kualitas bapak jelek,
Tapi pendukung bapak tolol

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Rising Underdogs

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You might got bored already reading word "underdog" in this blog. To be honest, I am too. But what can I do, this World Cup has surprisingly highlighted underdogs team like I never seen before!

Each of Chile, Nigeria, Algeria, Switzerland and USA -oh God, USA, I missed them already- gave too much things to be handled by their match-mate. Great games happened when small teams met big ones, when we got to see like Brazil, Uruguay, France, Germany and Argentina were like working their asses off to show that they were big. But the greatest game was, when underdogs met each other. Costa Rica vs Greece, Belgium vs USA. The last match was even too good to be missed.

Then proceed to the quarter final round.
Only Colombia, Costa Rica and Belgium survived.

Once again, all three out of four matches, that has underdogs in it, turned to be extraordinarily awesome -the other match consisting big teams France and Germany, apparently, damn dead. Not even one big team facing those three, could win easily. Brazil should lost Neymar, and Argentina, well, for me they won by luck. Even Netherlands, one team that has clean sheets over the first rounds they played, should be forced to play extra time and ended up in the penalty shoot-out against Costa Rica.

Costa Rica.

I should've been so mad at this team. They were also one of reasons why England couldn't go on to the next round. But I forgot about dramas in Group D already. Logic over emotion. They actually played well. The captain was capable, the manager was crafted, the keeper was--oh, the keeper. I don't know what else to say, I talked too much about too many too good keepers in this World Cup. Maybe this screenshot could describe how I felt.

Costa Rica.

Trapped in one of the hell group, eventually became the hell itself. They can even proceed further than any of their group mates which were all European giants. And their game last night, which started really slow and dull, but ended up with a massive climax, marked the rising of underdogs.

Another match suited the end of the round. Too sweet.

They who you didn't even see before. Pic's from here.

It all started in the round of 16, and ended up last night.

With Costa Rica leaving, all four semifinalists now are big teams you might've predicted to crowd the last two stages of the tournament. Could turn to be boring like France versus Germany two days ago, but since it's the semi final round and host country Brazil is also there, things would be somewhat interesting.

What a cup. 60 games full of underdogs giving surprises.
I hope the phenomenon's not only occurred in this World Cup.
It's really, tremendously amazing to see teams you took for granted,
Show their true colors and give a hell of a game to big clubs you favorite.
Excitement I never expected from football

Saturday, July 5, 2014

No More 22

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So Brazil made a spot to quarter final round.
The battle of Neymar and Rodriguez reached its end.

Despite the fact that Brazil won, for me James kicked Neymar's ass. He really showed how a 22 year old football player should play. Still so reckless, and impatient, but that's okay it's so normal for a 22. He earned global respect, and even applauds from Brazil squad and crowd. He was just the man.

But Brazil going on, and Colombia going home,
No shining 22s left that we can see in this World Cup.
Because Neymar was literally got kicked on the ass--back.

It was so unfortunate.

Aside the hatred I grow towards him and Brazil, this is just not how I want him to exit the tournament. I expected him to leave the cup disappointed, not hurt, like what happened to those I hated 4 years ago. Lol that sentence just made me sound like a cold-hearted psycho, didn't it!?!?

Can't believe I'm saying this but, sorry that you're out, Neymar.
Pic's from here.

This malice won't be the same without Neymar.
Actually I still have Thiago Silva to hate. But he's 29.
It's so not gonna be the same

Friday, July 4, 2014

Battle of Pride

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Finally, 2 days without a match had over.
And tonight, one big match I've been longing for

Will take place.

Brazil vs Colombia
FIFA World Cup 2014 Quarter final
- Estádio Castelão, Fortaleza -

Okay so why is it big for me?
Because out of the remaining eight contestants,
One big team I'd reeeally love to see losing, and
One other team I'm cheering my last supports for,
Are playing.

You do know which one that I want them to go, yes? It's Brazil. And why on earth now Colombia became my favorite? Because I lost England long ago, then I lost Algeria, Switzerland and the most heartbreaking one was losing USA. You see that aside of England, my vote always went to the dark horses. Now that the remaining underdogs are only Columbia, Belgium and Costa Rica, with the fact that Belgium turned USA down -which means that they became my enemy too- and Costa Rica's way too underdog, so Colombia it is.

But there's one more reason.

We'll get to see a very sweet performance of one young rising star. He's 22. From the yellow-jersey-ed team. Had scored more than 3 goals now. Lol I'm not talking about Neymar, ewh, I'm talking about James Rodriguez. And yes, that's what makes this match beyond awesome:
The battle of Neymar vs Rodriguez.

I should've been jealous of them. They're my age but they outshine all 22 year old boys around the world. Combined. I'm not saying that I'm below them, although the fact obviously said so, but hey, there are some things I'm good at that they're not. We'll see about that, next month :)

So yeah, the battle of 22 year olds.
Taylor Swift would be so proud of this.

It's Neymar, V(icky')S(here!), Rodriguez!

Clearly I'm on Rodriguez's side.
But then whoever wins, this jealousy
Won't ever be completely off

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


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I don't know if I told you this but, in this World Cup -yes it's about World Cup again, you like it or not, this euphoria will last at least until two weeks post final match- goalkeepers are like, DAMN GOOD!

I have a plan to talk about the overall goalkeepers, but not now.
This time, I'd love to give a tribute to one of my favorites.

Last night's game. Belgium vs USA.
The last game of the second round of WC2014.
I witnessed something that escalated my adoration towards GKs.

I've been served many good performances of goalkeepers since the very first match. But his game last night, I mean, the value it had as the last game of the round of 16, it was just, emotionally dramatic. He was like singlehandedly facing Belgium. All ten of those players. Attacking since the second minute, intermittently, intensively, long haul or short. But Tim swept everything off the goal.

The god made 16 incredible saves.
The most saves in a World Cup, over 50 years.
The only reason US was still alive, survived til the extra time.

No wonder why Americans were so damn hysterical last night. Twitter was so busy, full of applauds and positive jokes about Howard's blocks and saves. Lol ya, I checked the worldwide timeline regularly. One of the best joke was that name "Tim Howard" should be given to one of US states, replacing one of the Dakotas. Well, forget the Americans. Even I, who has zero relationship with Tim, was driven crazy seeing him last night. I kept convincing myself that he'd definitely be the man of the match. And he was.

No hyperbolic tones added, but that was really a crazy ass game. Aside of Howard's outstanding saves, the second goal from Belgian Lukaku and the revenge goal of American Green were totally meant to be the peak climax and the best closure of not only the match itself, but the round of 16 as a whole.

Crazy satisfying, really.
Sweet survival from the US, really-er.
And lunatic performance, Tim Howard, really-est.

Even Kompany knelt.

The round of 16 has officially ended. Very smooth.
And the ending was the sweetest

The Round of 16 (Unexpected Teams)

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This World Cup now, seriously, argh I can't even describe!

The underdogs remained wild! Five out of six big-team-versus-moderate-team matches went really tough. I repeat, FIVE!!! The other one was even flipped: the unfavorited team won over the high up in the sky one -talking about Colombia against Uruguay. The other two matches are moderate versus moderate, which Costa Rica by luck won against Greece, while Belgium and USA is entering their second round.

So yeah, I'm still mind-blown by the fact that those mediocre teams could give a hell of a game for them big nations. Chile, Mexico, Nigeria, Algeria and Switzerland. All five of them really caused pains in the asses of Brazil, Netherlands, France, Germany and Argentina. All five matches were so offensive/defensive at the same time, lack of goals, full of revenge-scorings. Three matches proceeded to the extra time, and one ended up with penalty shootout.

Boo ya, guys, you didn't win my heart at all

Those winning teams, to be honest, I prayed for their loses -especially Brazil and Argentina, of course. I mean, c'mon, they're big and full of talented players already, it's getting boring I want to see new teams crowding the semifinal rounds. And seeing them taking pains in trying to beat their opponents which world -and God- knows were technically weaker, pft, they lost my respect.

Therefore my voice ran to those who were not the favorites. Which means that all teams I supported on those five matches, yes they went home. But then at the end of each match, I always felt satisfied and proud, gave the best rounds of my applause and took my hats off for those five teams.

They're extraordinarily entertaining.
And it's crushing my heart to see them sad.

For me personally, you guys were all the winners

See, my heart is vacant now, after England left. It's easier for me since I can now support whoever I want, in each game. But then I think I have no interest in cheering for big teams so, it's now either Colombia as the one who'll be against Brazil, Costa Rica as Group D alumni, or USA if they win over Belgium after this.

This is getting much more exciting.
Nobody, even real analysts, and pros,
Can predict what will happen in each game.
This World Cup is sick!!!